Cloth Diapering

NCDR: DH lost his job today :'(

They had a lay-off today and unfortunately he was one of them.

He was the only one working since I stay home with the kids. I've applied at numerous places in the past year but have had no luck. I have no idea what we're going to do. We don't have much saved up since we used all our savings last year on the house.

I feel like crying and throwing up right now.

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Re: NCDR: DH lost his job today :'(

  • Oh no I'm so sorry :( 
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  • I'm so sorry mama.  I feel ya on the DH termination train.  At least we do have me working so that helps some.  I think I would probably be freaking out if I was a SAHM too. 

    Maybe we can help - what field are you and your DH in?

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  • I'm sorry.  Hopefully one of you finds something soon.
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  • I am so sorry. I hope he has already placed a call to your state's unemployment office. It was difficult for me to make that call when I was in the position, but the program is there for a reason. Best wishes to your family!
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  • Oh no!  I'm so sorry.  That sounds so scary.  What does he do?
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  • imageyodasmistress:

    I'm so sorry mama.  I feel ya on the DH termination train.  At least we do have me working so that helps some.  I think I would probably be freaking out if I was a SAHM too. 

    Maybe we can help - what field are you and your DH in?

    Other than some college courses, I've got nothing. I had horrible morning sickness with my first and ended up missing too many days to catch up. DH was very lucky to have had the job he did since he did not receive his HS diploma (required where he used to work, somehow he got in without it).

    I feel completely sh!t out of luck. Please excuse the language.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so sorry.  We are on this train as well.  It took me 15 applications to even get the bartending job that I got.  My boyfriend is doing odd jobs here and there now while he fills out application after application.

    Even though it sucked doing it, my boyfriend cashed out some of his retirement to help us out and get some peace of mind.

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  • imagebethandjoe09:
    Oh no!  I'm so sorry.  That sounds so scary.  What does he do?

    He was a second to one of the supervisors at the warehouse he worked in.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sorry for the bad news. Hopefully one of you will find something soon, and like Yoda said, let us know if we can help!
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  • I am so Sorry! Let us know if there is anything we can do. I can't imagine having that happen!
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  • I'm sorry.  :(
  • Oh no! That's awful, I'm sorry to hear that! I hope he can find something soon. T&Ps coming your way!
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  • lcmm17lcmm17 member
    I am so sorry Mama. :( You are in my thoughts. And I hope things get better soon.
  • Thank you everyone for your thoughts. If I go MIA for a bit it's because I'm frantically filling out applications.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugh!  My heart goes out to you.  Did they offer some type of severence that can hold you over for a bit?  Here's hoping one or both of you find something great soon!
  • Oh my!  I am so sorry!  Sending prayers to you guys.
    image Ethan 12.31.07 Lillian 4.1.11
  • So sorry mama! I hope you can find something soon! I'll keep an eye out around this area for ya.
  • I'm so sorry!  I can't even imagine how scary that would be.  My T&Ps go out to you.
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  • I'm so sorry :(
  • MegaPMegaP member
    Oh Mama, I'm so sorry :(    

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    DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
  • I'm so very sorry.
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  • I am sorry!  T & P for you.  What part of the US do you live in?  I can keep my eyes open for you.
  • :( sorry
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  • My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I am sorry to hear this news.


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  • I'm sorry mama.  Can you do some work through or just to get some extra cash while you 2 are applying to other jobs?  Definitely let us know if we can do anything.

    DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs;  cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama

  • I'm sorry :( maybe there will be something temporary he could get- if all else fails construction crews are almost always hiring (coming from someone who used to work in construction). Best wishes for your family that things work out soon!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm so sorry to hear this but I just know that things will turn a corner ASAP, for both of you. Sending T&P and good vibes your way!
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  • I'm so sorry  :(

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  • I'm so sorry :(.  Is there severance or unemployment available? I really hope he finds something soon. Let us know if we can help!
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  • So sorry mama.  That's so hard.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugh-terrible :(  Maybe if you gave us a rundown of your qualifications we can help brainstorm job ideas?
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  • imagea.bartholomew:
    Ugh-terrible :(  Maybe if you gave us a rundown of your qualifications we can help brainstorm job ideas?

    I think I filled out at least 15 online applications today. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen, I'm tired and the kids are cranky. *sigh*

    I wish I was as well qualified as all of you ladies on here are, truth is I'm not. I only completed about a year and a half of general ed. courses combined.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm so sorry to hear it. Your DH should consider visiting the department of labor in your area (not sure where you're located.) Besides filing for unemployment, he can also look into programs to get his GED as well as job training.
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  • Oh no! I'm sorry to hear the bad news. I hope he can find something quick!
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