
When Did Your Morning Sickness Subside?

So i'm 10 weeks pregnant w/ twins and have been blessed w/ the Lovely curse of all day "morning sickness" I am counting down the days until my second trimester praying this will subside. When did all of your morning sickness finally get better? :)
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Re: When Did Your Morning Sickness Subside?

  • I think it was around week 15 or 16 for me
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  • Stopped when I was 13 weeks, I was on a Zofran pump the last 3 because the Zofran pills stopped working.

    I really hope you feel better soon!

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  • 26w is when I stopped throwing up.  I was pretty much nauseated the whole pg though.  

    Zofran helped me.  I can't imagine what life would have been like without it. 

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  • 20 weeks, but before that, I only got sick in the mornings, it wasn't an all day thing.
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  • 15-16 weeks. I still get sick though at 17 weeks but it's NOWHERE near as bad.


  • 13-14 weeks
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    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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  • I was sick pretty much the whole time, it did let up a little around 27 weeks or so. Zofran helped sometimes but it gave me really bad headaches.
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  • I still throw up pretty much every other day.  It' s like the m/s wants to go away but it won't :(
    Diagnosis: DOR and MFI-low everything IVF #1 = triplets! 2 girls and a boy! Born Sept 29, 2011 at 32w6d due to Pre-e and HELLP syndrome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Mine subsided by about 13 weeks.
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  • I puked my guts out this weekend outside a nice restaurant and I'm 19weeks.  Good luck!
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  • 22 weeks. Then it just went to mornings until 28 weeks :) zofran and I were best friends.
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  • Around 17-18wks.  I had 24/7 severe nausea, but no vomiting.  I took Zofran, which only took the edge of and helped me get food down, along w/ a Vitamin B6/Unisom combo at night.
    TTC #1 since 6/07, Dx = Ovulatory dysfunction, DOR, and autoimmune issues ~ 4 Clomid cycles, 1 Femara Cycle, 6 Injectible IUI cycles~ 4 Chemical PG's ~ IVF #1 Dec '09 = BFP!! Beta 8dp3dt = 68 10dp3dt = 276 16dp3dt = 1511 ~ First U/S 1/14 = 3 Heartbeats!!! Lost Baby C at 8w5d Emergency Cerclage at 22wks saved our babies lives Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • 23 weeks, but that also coincided with a two week vacation.  I still wonder if getting extra rest is what helped more than anything.
  • At exactly 13 weeks.  And the day before I turned 13 weeks was the worst day I had.  Weird.

     On a side note I am reading about all the 20 and 27 week ladies.  Bless your hearts!  So sorry you went through that.

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  • The nausea got much better at about 10 weeks.  I was nauseated almost all the time but never actually vomited.  Then I started getting heartburn/reflux which made me throw up several times until it got under control.
  • Mine subsided at around 17 or 18 weeks.  I had pretty severe ms and was on the disolvable Zofran up until that point.  Zofran is your friend.
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  • Mine ended at 11 weeks, I hope yours stops very soon!
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  • imagesmit3807:
    23 weeks, but that also coincided with a two week vacation.  I still wonder if getting extra rest is what helped more than anything.
    This is interesting as I have noticed I have the worst MS when I'm traveling for work and really tired. Once I have been home for a few days, it gets better.
    IVF#1 May 2011 15 Eggs Retrieved, 11 Fertilized using ICSI + HPT on 6/9/11 Beta #1 420 Beta #2 2167 US 7/1 TWINS!! Due 2/18/2012 Brooke and Nora born at 35.6 weeks Jan 20th 2012
  • imagelmydogally:
    23 weeks, but that also coincided with a two week vacation.  I still wonder if getting extra rest is what helped more than anything.
    This is interesting as I have noticed I have the worst MS when I'm traveling for work and really tired. Once I have been home for a few days, it gets better.


    Yes! I still am naseous and sick at 16 weeks but on the weekend when I can sleep in and relax I feel much better. Good luck!

    Me 32 DH 38 Married October 2008- TTC Right Away! Dx - High FSH, MFI 3 IUI's in 09-10 all BFN July 2010 IVF #1- four eggs retrieved 2 mature only made it to 4 cells-none to transfer. March 30th- starting meds for IVF #2 April 10th- retrieval of 10 eggs/7mature April 15th- 5dt of 2 blasts April 25th- 10dp5dt Beta #1- 662 April 27th- 12dp5dt Beta #2- 1576 2 Girls! Due January 1, 2012. BabyFetus Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • It lasted until between 18 and 19 weeks for me. I got it around 8 weeks, and went on medication around 9 weeks - I couldn't take it anymore and was having trouble working.
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