Preliminary results for food allergies for LO came back (IgG): moderate allergies were- egg white chicken, egg yolk chicken, soy, buckwheat, and corn. Very low allergies to- celery, cucumber, cranberry. Waiting to hear back rest of results (tested for EE and celiac). But, if other tests have similar results celiac should be ruled out. Is buckwheat and corn in common foods? I know soy is in a lot of his foods. THANKS!!!
Re: IgG allergy testing results (edited)
that is a heavy list. I'm sorry!
I don't know about buckwheat but corn is very common. and sometimes a PITA to avoid. There are a few people on here who are dealing with a corn allergy.
I've been trying to avoid corn in general recently and i find it in so many things.
52 Choices For Better Health
Why did they call it an IgG allergy test?
I have an IgG deficiency and have never had allergies mentioned by any of the drs or specialist.
Just wondering- totally serious question.
We did numerous kinds of delayed reaction food allergy tests: IgG IgE etc It shows which antibodies he has the food reactions with. He did not have any reactions/food allergies to any of the IgE testing.