
If you had a c/s and breastfed...

how difficult was it in the beginning when you were still sore?

I'll be having a scheduled c/s with the next baby... and just wondering if it's reasonable to expect to be able to BF right away.


Re: If you had a c/s and breastfed...

  • I had absolutely no issues with it.  The nurses and LCs were wonderful and it made it really easy for me. 
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I had a scheduled c/s with DS because he was breech, and really didn't have too much of an issue.  I had some latch issues entirely independent of the c/s, but in terms of discomfort holding him, etc., I had none.

    I used pillows and the boppy in the hospital, as well as at home, and was fine.

    I was in recovery for a couple/few hours after my surgery (maybe 2-3?  I have NO clue), but was able to put DS on the breast as soon as I was in the regular room.  (My hospital was an army hospital and didn't have combo baby/post-op nurses).


    Sorry so long...nothing about my c/s kept me from nursing DS. 

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  • I didn't bf right away.  I think it was 3 hours until I could see DS.  I did try to BF but he wasn't interested at all.  Finally about 15 hours later he BF. 

    I didn't find the pain to be bad while BF.  It was really painful getting into the position to BF but I used pillows and a boppy and it wasn't on my belly.

    Use as much morphine as you can't od, it cuts it off but press that button when you need it because they take it away after 24 hrs.

  • lol re: morphine. I sadly know all about it -- i was in and out of the hospital with kidney stones from 30w on with my last pg ... and pressed that button all the time :) 

     I don't NEED a c/s, but have been told it would be wise b/c I had such a bad tear with DS, that if I were to tear again like that I risk total incontinence (fecal and urine) - NOT something I want to deal with for the rest of my life! :)

    thanks ladies- that makes me feel better. 

  • No major problems. The football hold worked best for us because of my incision.
  • It was a few hours before I was able to hold him, but the incision really didn't bother me while nursing.
  • DS started nursing in the recovery room. No problems whatsoever.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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