Upstate NY Babies

Some nights are really hard

By the time I get out of work, get Liam, and get home, he is starving and miserable.  I try to make dinner as fast I can, and he just sits there and cries.  I hate to let him snack too much because then he doesn't eat his dinner.  And I would rather him eat what we are eating because if I make him something quick it probably won't be as healthy. 

I get so frustrated.  I hate to be upset with him when we are home because it's the only time I really get to spend with him.  I just want to be a SAHM!  Even if it was just part time.  :(

Re: Some nights are really hard

  • :-(  I'm sorry.

    Have you ever tried making him a plate of dinner the night before so you can warm it while you make dinner for you and DH?  Like serve him a plate of Tuesday's dinner on Wed when you get home?  I know it would be nice to have him sit with you and DH, but sometimes that just isn't what works for families.

  • imageTinyPinkBug:

     Like serve him a plate of Tuesday's dinner on Wed when you get home? 


    that's a good idea!  I should try that.  It's def. been an adjustment for all of us since he started daycare.  He plays SO HARD all day and has so much more stimulation.  He comes home most nights really tired.  Which is good, but it also makes him extra inpatient.

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  • Ugh - I'm sorry. (But this totally happens to me a lot and I stay at home!! :) We give the kids MumMums on the way home from something - and keep a box in the car since they won't be bothered by the heat. They are super light and just enough to munch on to keep them busy/full until we can get them dinner.
  • Have you thought about doing freezer meals a couple times a week? That is totally what I would do if I was working... heck, I do them often even though I stay home.

    This blog post has a lot of good ideas for meals. I don't do them as much in the summer, since we tend to grill everything, and that is quick anyways. 

    Do you prep stuff the night before or even that morning? That way you could come home, have DH throw stuff on the grill while you guys play outside w/ L. Little to no prep, and save the clean-up for after he is in bed. 


  • I have that problem with Dylan sometimes but not too often.  When he does start crying while I'm cooking I usually give him some goldfish crackers...just enough to hold him over but not ruin his appetite.
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  • I don't get home until 6:15.  And that is on my early days.  So ya, she was starving, I was starving and I wanted to PLAY with her, not ignore her to make dinner.  You know what saved me?  I subscribed to  Now, we are kinda picky eaters.  So I don't love all the meals.  But what really made a big difference for me was just the whole concept of it.  Prepare stuff ahead?  Who would have thought!  Meal plan our week?  Wow!  I don't follow it now - like I have about 8 of the meals we like and I rotate those in our meal plan.  And some weeks I "forget" to meal plan, and on those weeks - it sucks.  But I really have found that spending some time once a week makes a huge difference all week long.

    Oh, and as far as snacking while you prepare dinner.  I give her veggies.  Some days she only eats a few, and others she is stuffing herself with them.  But you can't feel bad about that.

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