
~*~DE/DEmbryo/GC Check-in~*~

This group is open to anyone who has already gone through donor egg/donor embryo/gestational carrier, is in the process of it, or plan on doing it in the future. 


This check-in posted each Tuesday.  If you?d like to be added to this group, please reply to this message, and I?ll make sure to add you for next week.  Welcome to the lurkers!  We know this can be a difficult journey, but we welcome you with open arms.  Let us know if we can answer any questions.




ANNOUNCEMENT: BathingInBitter has started a PRIVATE Facebook group (meaning no one can see it in your feed, that you are a member, etc.) for the ladies from IF and SAIF who are using/have used donor egg/embryos or donor sperm.  If you would like to join, please page BathingInBitter, Yellow_Daisy, Roselln2 or svp1537 and ask for an invite to the group.  This might be a nice way to keep in touch in a more private setting and address issues that may arise down the road.


***** If you are a donor or interested in donating, we would be happy to answer questions.  Please start a new post with ?Question for DE ladies? as the title. *****


Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/ DEmbryo/GC process?


QOTW: Do you have friends or family members who are going through/have gone through IF? Anyone who has used DE or DS?


Huge hugs to emca on your cycle being cancelled! We are here to support you in any way we can!


All the best to 07may07 and all of the other ladies who are currently cycling!


Hoping for good news from your sister?s testing, M&MBride0506, and best wishes for a great cycle!


So happy for more good news from ashleyann82 and Imanurse03!!


Currently Cycling or on BCP?s

07may07 ? Preparing for DE cycle with sister's eggs, hoping for July, sister had screening, waiting on genetic test results, on meds for the cycle, sister was starting meds on 7/16, transfer anticipated for late July or early August

Dreamalotmp ? DOR, AMA, considering DE IVF + ICSI after 4 failed IUIs, clinic provides donors, put down deposit to start donor search, decided to switch to a clinic with more donors ready, social work appointment went fine, updated SA, started BCP's, SHG and trial transfer went well, waiting for donor profiles

may2806 ? Started Delestrogen, lining check last Thursday, ER estimated for 7/14 with ET on 7/19

snoangel79 ? Dx with POF, preparing for DE cycle, lining and HSG were good, donor's Day 3 tests and psych tests all looked good, started Estrace and donor started stims, anticipating mid-July retrieval


Waiting to Cycle/Between Cycles

baze2 ? Pursuing DE, donor selected and cycle started, ER set for last Wednesday, no eggs fertilized (((hugs))), WTF appointment

emca ? Decided on DE after 7 early miscarriages (including after IVF with CGH testing), appointment with psychologist went well and cleared to cycle, chose a donor but cycle then cancelled due to donor thinking she was pregnant, debating doing another cycle with OE since egg quality issue is unclear  

Ginger71 ? Staring the DE process in the New Year, considering DE + DS, decided on a guarantee program and moving forward, working on financial details  

hollymichael ? DE IVF #1 = c/p (((hugs))), chose new donor for next cycle, DE IVF #2 = BFP but then sadly m/c ((((hugs))))

jacksmom07 ? Decided on a clinic and chose a donor, mock transfer and more tests in May and everything looked good, starting BCP's next cycle, ET anticipated for August

koyn ? Researching DE after IVF BFN?s, decided on DE at RBA, had initial consult, finishing up paperwork to submit and get access to donor database, hoping for transfer in late August or early September   

LaMoonie ? DE cycle was a BFN, possible blood flow resistance issue, have 4 frozen embryos, contemplating a FET possibly with GC (sister) 

lunatwo ? Completed the agency paperwork and have chosen a donor, scheduled for a September cycle!

M&MBride0506 ? Medicated cycles with sister, final IUI was negative, moving on to IVF, hoping to start within a month but sister needs HSG first  

MarriedaSportsNut ? BFP on first DE cycle but lost baby due to rare defect (Acrania), DE IVF #2 was c/p, 5 frozen embryos, FET of 2 embryos 12/17 was BFN, 2 frosties left, made an appointment for a second opinion, blogging about DE at Bud  

MRSBELLALEE ? FET 10/26/09 = BFN, fresh DE cycle 4/10/10 = BFN, polyps removed in July, FET 9/10 = BFN, in contact with SIRM, NKC high but everything else normal, working with new RE in Maryland who recommended the Integrin B test 

onedaychristinak ? Received treatment for pituitary tumor, dealing with numerous cancelled cycles due to poor lining, had a hysteroscopy and D&C to facilitate a better lining, started Estrace and Vivelle patches, acupuncture, also looking into GC and adoption, FET on 2/22 of 2 embryos, lining at 9.8, BFN, taking a break and looking toward adoption   

PoeticJustice (OE) ? Genetic testing/balanced translocation normal, working with a new RE, had hysteroscopy, IVF#2 ? ER was 1/22, 33 eggs retrieved, 24 mature, and 24 fertilized, ET was 1/27, 7 frozen embryos, BFN (((hugs)))  

rewdew  ? Going straight to DE with ICSI after removal of one ovary and elevated FSH, also dealing with MFI, DE IVF #1 = BFN (((hugs))), 2 morulas frozen, natural FET anticipated for September   

RFBsbride ? Working on losing weight with DH, beginning donor search in December

shyntrue ? Just beginning the DE journey, still waiting on a donor, thinking about checking out another clinic

vawad82 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor ? m/c, huge hugs


Looking into Options

ACM1616 ? Looking into DE, but clinic requires it to be with a known donor, talking things over with her sister

aebaby ? Mini-IVF cycle resulted in 2 embryos that did not grow past 4 cells, currently researching DE clinics to find one with an in-house donor pool

ceemonkey ? High FSH on her side and sertoli-cell only syndrome on DH's side, considering OE vs. DE

Delta04 ? 2 failed IVF cycles with OE, getting more information about DE, started DHEA for 3 months and plans to cycle with OE this fall 

ErnieH ? 3 failed IVF cycles after trying Clomid and injectables, poor embryo quality, looking for a donor

Hoping4more ? Cycle using sister as GC is probably on hold forever, now going to cycle with own eggs and is applying to foster/adopt

hurricaneh ? Taking break from the board, will do FET in the future

Jasmine19 ? Looking into donor egg due to heart rhythm condition

kekis ? Unresponsive to IVF meds, considered DE but decided to start the adoption process

Slinky21 ? Diagnosed with POF in October 2009, contemplating DE 


~*~Recent Successes~*~

ashleyann82 ? Chose a new donor after first one backed out, shared cycle, DE eSET on 6/19, 4 frozen, BFP! First u/s on 7/11 and got to see the heartbeat

Imanurse03 ? DE IVF #1 - ER 5/31, ET 6/4, 16 frozen embryos! Great betas, first u/s looked good, 7-week u/s ? looking great, baby?s heartbeat was 140, next u/s scheduled for yesterday



BathingInBitter ? DE IVF #1 = BFN, surprise BFP! Beta #1 on 12/20 = 1,208

bluebabka ? Cycle synched with donor?s, everything finalized, began estrogen patches, triple lining of 8/2, ER was 2/15, 13 eggs retrieved, ET of 2 blasts on 2/19, beta on 3/2 ? BFP! First u/s showed two but follow-up showed one beautiful baby with a heartbeat of 174, graduated to OB, due date is 11/8/11, it?s a boy! Series of respiratory infections and bronchitis (((hugs)))

BRSAugust20 ? BFP (singleton)! Joseph is here! Getting his first tooth!

CharBart ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor!  Twins! 2 boys! Small SCH, restricted to 8 hours work per day 

epphd ? BFP (baby boy)!  Nubbin is here! Pregnant with OE in December, NT scan and CVS at 12 weeks showed chromosomal abnormality, D&E (((hugs)))

erinandbrockv ? DE cycle using sister?s eggs, AMH and other blood work looks great, sister started stims on 1/21, ER on 2/8, ET on 2/13 - BFP!

Floridakat (OE) ? twin girls! 

GymDogFran ? Frozen egg program, twin girls!

hep01 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor ? m/c, huge hugs, blood work results are back and showed a strand of MTHFR so started Lovenox before ET, transferred 2 frozen embryos on 2/1, Beta #1 on 2/14, first u/s on 3/2 - twins! 
? On BCP?s for DE cycle, contract is finalized, repeat trial transfer, blood work, and HSG are done, ER on 3/4, 38 eggs retrieved, 34 mature, 3dt of 2 embryos - BFP!

iwannababy2010 ? BFP on 1st attempt with donor! Everything looked good on NT scan, due on 5/12!  

jcath ? Donor egg cycle with frozen egg bank, chose donor and back-up, had endo biopsy, 5dt on 1/26, beta #1 = 118, betas have been good, first u/s on 2/21 showed identical twin girls! Peri is watching some issues with frequent ultrasounds, babies? sizes and fluid levels looking good

JM1977 ? DE IVF #1 = BFN, DE IVF #2 - eSET on day 5 (12/15), beta on 12/28 = 1,035, beta on 12/30 = 2,234, first OB appointment showed baby measuring right on track, due date is 9/2/11, it?s a girl!

juliannat ? BFP - boy/girl twins!

kdussault ? Donor egg cycle with known donor, 3dt on 1/22 of one perfect embryo, BFP! NT scan went great, anatomy scan on 5/19
LBR_NJ ? BFP (girl)! Alana arrived on 12/9/09! FET scheduled for 12/10 but embryo did not survive the thaw (((hugs)))

lenebene ? Split DE cycle underway, on estrogen, donor started stims, ER on 4/25, ET is done - BFP! Beta #1 = 314, Beta #2 = 664, u/s showed one bean, u/s #2 last Friday and saw heartbeat again, released to OB, OB concerned about GD and BMI so having blood work done    

Lulubelle ? Diagnosed with POF at age 19, has a daughter who is almost 2 from a previous DE cycle, original donor contacted and agreed to donate again, fert report: 13 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, and 11 fertilized, 5dt on 4/20, beta #1 = 224, first u/s showed one beautiful heartbeat! Baby looked great at second u/s, graduated to OB and had first appointment, NT scan scheduled  

mamabear7 ? DE IVF#1, 26 eggs retrieved! 5dt of 2 embryos on 11/7, BFP! Beta #1 = 347! Beta #2 = 1,073, first u/s on 12/3 showed twins! Anatomy scan showed a healthy boy and girl, measuring perfect

MontyMrs (OE) ? 4th IVF = BFP! Triplets!

njohnson1972 (OE) ? Last attempt with OE, transferred 2 embryos on 11/6, BFP!

PiggyBride ? Singleton due 3/2/11

pst8 ? BFP using her sister as a gestational carrier, due in February

RachelD83 ? BFP on 2nd FET (single embryo transfer) - boy!  Jonathan born on 12/8 at 38w3d, going back to work in the next few weeks  

saratogabride08 ? DE IVF#1 cancelled, cycled again with the same donor with adjustments to the protocol, ET of 2 embryos on 12/18, first 2 betas looking good

Stuckinthemiddle (OE) ? ET for last attempt with OE was 1/19, beta hell, first u/s looked good

SunMoon&Stars ? Cycling using frozen eggs, 5dt on 12/8, beta #1 on 12/17 = 74.8, beta # 2 = 439, first u/s on 1/7, final RE appointment on 2/4 at 11 weeks   

svp1537 ? BFP - twins!  Everything is looking great, released to OB

Vet-Tech ? BFP with donor embryos, baby girl born 9/20/10!

TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: ~*~DE/DEmbryo/GC Check-in~*~

  •  Good Luck and hugs to all that need them!! Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/ DEmbryo/GC process? Currently in the 2ww!!  Had transfer on Saturday the 16th everything went well (15 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 2 "perfect" embies transferred, and 8 snowbabies!!) So I feel the cycle went awesome!! I just hope my luck continues and I can get my BFP!! Knock wood, cross fingers etc. Until then I will be trying to "relax" which is pretty damn hard! haha  QOTW: Do you have friends or family members who are going through/have gone through IF? Anyone who has used DE or DS? I have family that used DS years ago in the 90's. I have no idea if anyone else has.  
    Oct1201212 Twins born at 34w2d, Allison, 3lb,4oz-Ethan, 4lb7oz, both 16 1/2 inches. Out of Difficulties Grow Miracles BestBuddiesBoy AprilPosseMultiLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Update:  Not much going on over here.  I have repeat bloodwork to monitor my P4 and E2 tomorrow.  Then I get another u/s on Friday.  Hoping everything is still a-ok with my little blueberry.  The 1st trimester is the most nerve wracking I am sure.

    QOTW:  I know a few people who have dealt with IF in my family.  My Mom had endo pretty bad and had to have multiple laps to get pregnant with myself, my brother and sister.  Her Mother (my grandmother) also had the same issue and my Mom is an only child.  And as for DE, DH's 1st cousin used DE to conceive her daughter and is very open about it and honestly if she wouldn't have told me about it, I would have never known.  I actually thought her daughter looked so much like her.  It's crazy.  I'm not sure if I will come out to her about our struggles yet but it's nice to know that I am not alone and the family has accepted her child just like any of the other grandchildren.  So it makes me feel more comfortable about it.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    My Blog
    TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
    4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
    Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
    Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts <3<BR> IVF using Donor Eggs (DE) 6/11
    BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
    Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172

    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
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  • jcathjcath member

    Fingers crossed snoangel!  Good luck to those cycling and hugs to those who need them.

    Update:  Just hanging in there and feeling ridiculously big.  The babies are moving around so much it's wonderful to feel them in there. 

    QOTD: My sister had both her kids via IUI.  Since I've used DE's I know two other people who did a DE program.  I think its becoming more and more normal.  I think I mentioned that when I explained to my teenagers that we used a DE and I said it's like using DS - they proceeded to list tons of their friends who were concieved via DS. 

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  • Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/ DEmbryo/GC process? I'm 14 weeks this week....  things are going smooth. QOTW: Do you have friends or family members who are going through/have gone through IF? Anyone who has used DE or DS?Yes, I have several friends but no one that has used DE/DS. 
    IUI#1 = 09/10 - Canceled - Dx w/POF
    DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/ DEmbryo/GC process? I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow.  Had u/s yesterday and baby looked good with HR of 186! 2nd sac they saw last time was not viable.  I have a small subchorionic hematoma that they're watching.  It's not causing any issues at this time. I go in again next Monday for another u/s.  Feeling pg with nausea and fatigue.  Hoping everything continues to go well like it has been.


    QOTW: Do you have friends or family members who are going through/have gone through IF? Anyone who has used DE?  I have a great aunt and an aunt who were/are married and never had children.  They've never talked about it.  My grandmother says my great aunt (her sister) tried to have kids but never could.  This was in the late 40's and 50's before IF treatment.  My other aunt is in her 50's and got married in her mid 30's.  She and her DH never had kids.  She has never talked about it so I'm not sure if they dealt with IF or not.  We all assume so. 


    I have a cousin on my mom's side who has RPL and fibroids.  I think her DH also has some MFI.  She has gone through some IUIs and hasn't yet had success.  :(  We've talked about IF a lot and grown closer.  I haven't talked to her recently though.  She doesn't know I'm pg and I'm dreading telling her.  :(

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  • UPDATE:  Our cycle got moved back from Aug to Oct (UGHHHHH!!!)

    OTHERS WITH IF:  Many friends and colleagues-- a friend who is adopting because of PCOS, two collegues who have used DE, friends who have done IVF's, IUI's, and other meds... I


  • Status update: the retrieval was last Friday, and we got 10 eggs as our portion of the split cycle. Nine were mature and fertilized, but 5 fertilized abnormally - more than one sperm penetrated the egg. Apparently this can happen if the egg is not 100 percent mature so I wonder if she was triggered too early. After a stressful weekend we went ahead with a day 3 transfer - we were originally just going to transfer the best 2, but my doctor suggested 3 to maximize our chance of success since this is our second DE cycle. Triplet chance would be 5-10 percent, and we were ok with that amount of risk. We are ok with twins. Please no judgment on this - we feel it was the right choice for us. QOTD: we are the only ones we know of friends or family who are going through IF. My father's aunt who has passed away adopted a child in the forties, so I can assume she went through something, but it was never talked about.
    Dx: High FSH, stage IV endo, homozygous C677T MTHFR and PAI-1
    Early loss 10/08
    Lap 1/09
    IVF #1 "natural IVF" - 1 egg retrieved, missed m/c
    Tried several mini-stim cycles with no response
    Switched clinics - dx'd as carrier for Fragile X
    IVF #2 MDL protocol Jan/Feb converted to IUI, BFN
    IVF #2 take 2: Antagonist, one embie, BFN
    IVF #3: Antagonist, no fertilization
    One last ditch effort at OE IVF (antagonist with Clomid) cancelled
    DE cycle #1 Jan/Feb 2011, BFP, ectopic
    DE cycle #2 June/July 2011 - BFP
    10/28/11 Baby girl lost at 17 weeks due to pre-term labor. We love and miss you.
    DE cycle #3 June/July 2012 - BFP, twins, both heartbeats stopped, D&C
    2 frosties but don't know what's next
    FET Dec 2012: BFP! Praying this one sticks for the long haul!
  • JM1977JM1977 member

    Update: Nothing too new.  My next OB appt. is a week from today and then I start going every week.  We are getting excited.  Of course I have a to-do list a mile long, but I'm not feeling too anxious about it. 

    QOTW: We actually have several friends who have gone through IF.  Of our good friends, 2 have kids through IVF and 1 through adoption.  Some less close but dear friends just got pregnant with twins through DE.  They've been open about it, which has been nice, and everyone has been very supportive of both of us (we have told some friends but not others).

    TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
    IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
    IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
    DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
    DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
    TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Fingers crossed for the ladies in the 2ww! 

    Snoangel - what a great freeze ratio! 

    Hugs to those that need them!

    QOTD:  My SIL needed clomid for her first child and I have several friends that needed IUI/IVF (living in a mandated state makes it much more common). Two of my friends have friends who used DE but both were known donors so although I talked/emailed with them both, we were using anonymous DE so they weren't as helpful with logistics but made me feel better we were making the right choice.

    Update: Ack!  Make time stop, look at my ticker...I am going to have a one-year old soon!!!

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  • I wrote this in an email to a good friend so the formatting is off, but it works here as well, so... :)

    Update: We finally received the list and picked our donor via our RE clinic and we are over the moon happy with our choice. She is physically similar to me, which is great of course, but more importantly her letter that we got to read made us SO happy. She sounds like a grounded, happy, positive person. She is married, has a 3 year old daughter, loves to read and garden, has traveled to a handful of different countries. She said that she can't imagine not being a parent and therefore decided to donate. She just sounds so perfect to us. So similar to me in many ways. Oh, and she has had one successful cycle already.

    We won't be cycling with her until November because she was already selected to work with another couple in September, but it is worth the wait for us.

    It's interesting though. While I'm excited about our choice, I'm already ready to say, "OK, that part is done. Let's not talk about it now. It is about US now." Does that make sense? Not in a denial type of way. Just in that I want it to be about me and my DH now that we checked off that step in the process and are happy about it.

    QOTD: I don't know anyone who has used DE or DS. I wish that I did!

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  • Good luck to all and hugs to those who need them.

    SnoAngel good luck during the 2ww I am sending positive vibes your way! 

    Update: Not too much to update, I had my NT scan, everything looked good I just had my 2nd round of blood work done and am waiting for the results.  I had an ultrasound last Friday and the tech thinks we are having another girl.  I will know for sure August 15th at my AS!  I do not know anyone who has had IF issues or used DE or DS like Dreamalotmp said I wish I had, it would have felt much less lonely! 

    TTC since 2004, Dx-POF at 19. 3 failed IVF cycles ( didn't even make it to ER) moving on to DE. DE IVF #1 August 2008 =BFP! DD born May 2009. 2011- trying for #2. 5/2 BFP! Beta #1 224. Baby #2 due January 2012! BabyFruit Ticker
  • Could you please add me to the group.

    Back in October we selected a donor. She and I both started medication. Unfortunately my biopsy came back with low progesterone so I had to postpone. On order for us not to lose this donor we decided to retrieve her eggs and fertilize with hubby's sperm.  The 6 eggs we paid for all fertilized and froze at 8 cells on day three.

    Today we transferred 2 great looking eggs! So I'm in the 2 ww period. I took two weeks off and plan to do nothing but rest.

    Thanks for letting me tell my story. 

  • Status Update: Where are you currently with the DE/ DEmbryo/GC process?

    Just had DE single pregnancy confirmed last week; on Monday we saw heartbeat. Transferred 2 6-day blastocysts. 4 + years infertility, 2 IUI's, 2 IVFs; I have DOR, took us a while to move forward with donor egg.


    QOTW:    Do not have any friends or family members who have gone through either IF or used DE or DS, so this was a learning experience for us, and a little bit isolating! But I do believe the stress of it all does make you stronger!
    Me, 37 (diagnosed with DOR) and DH, 46 - married for almost 14 years; TTC for 4+ years, 2 IUI's, 3 rounds Clomid, 2 IVF's, hoping for a great outcome with our first DE attempt....
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