Baby Names

clicky: Trinity v. Eden

We're trying to do biblical but different/less common first names for our kids.  (By "less common" I mean not John, Matthew, Sarah, Hannah, etc)  Our top name for a boy is Jude, but we're still not set on a girl name.  Our front runner was Eden but someone recently suggested Trinity... wanted to get your thoughts.


Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: clicky: Trinity v. Eden

  • SxiaSxia member

    I love Eden, but I am a little biased because my dog is Trinity. She's a sweet girl, but I wouldn't give a little girl that name. (The dog is named after the character from the Matrix.)

    Do you like Eve?

    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
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  • I'm a fairly religious person, but Trinity is too "in your face" religious/biblical to me.  Of course, whatever has the most meaning for you is what you should go with, but to me Eden has more of a subtle religious tone while still a pretty name. 

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  • SxiaSxia member
    Delilah, Charity, Shiloh.
    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
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  • Eden is much better than Trinity. But my favorite obscure biblical girl's name is Dinah. 
  • I voted for Eden.  I don't mind religious names at all, but it just seems a little over the top to name your child after the entire Godhead.  I figure either people use the name Trinity because it sounds pretty, or for religious reasons that make sense to them but not to me.  Or maybe it is a cultural thing (like Jesus is common as a Latino name).  In any case I don't really get it, but that's me.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • Eden by a long shot.
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  • I HATED the movie The Matrix, so I am 100% for Eden as well.

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  • Of those two, definitely Eden.

    What about Leah?

  • Definitely Eden over Trinity.

    Other less-popular Biblical names I like:


    Keziah (nn Kizzy)





  • Honestly, my first reaction was that they both seem like stripper names.
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  • Ahhhhh! You're pregnant?! Congratulations on #3! :)

    I much prefer Eden over Trinity. 

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • IMO they both sound like stripper names...

    Eden sounds a little less stripperesque I guess.

    Maybe its because a friend of mine has a sister and theres this mother of a student in my class who are both named Trinity and equally covered in tattoos and sporting a disgusting smokers cough or cig hanging out of their mouth when they talk...

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  • I really, really, really like Trinity.  Unfortunately it has a bit of a stripper connotation.  So I voted for Eden.
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  • ObLaDiObLaDi member

    Honestly, my first reaction was that they both seem like stripper names.

    Exactly this. Trinity sounds like she'd be doing the EXTRA skanky stuff, though...

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  • imageSxia:

    I love Eden, but I am a little biased because my dog is Trinity. She's a sweet girl, but I wouldn't give a little girl that name. (The dog is named after the character from the Matrix.)

    Do you like Eve?

    Ooh, I like Eve too! otherwise, I say go with Eden.

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  • I actually really like the name Eden!

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  • Eden !

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • No 'Dexter' fans here....? 2 seasons ago, Trinity was the name of the serial killer who murdered Dexter's wife in the bath tub! 

    That and yeah, it does kinda sound like a stripper name... sorry! =/ 

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  • Yes, 100% Eden.  I really REALLY do not like the name Trinity - it just is not a name to me, especially not for a little girl. It sounds too harsh.
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  • Thanks so much for your input everyone!  I defeinitely like Eden over Trinity too so I'm glad to see the results of the poll!

    So many suggestions too!  I think my problem is that I just don't love the female biblical names.  Hopefully this will be another boy because I have a dozen of those that I love  Wink

    There are names that are just okay for me but are names in our family or names my BFF has used for her daughters.  I know people don't own names, but I personally would rather choose a different name when it's someone so close to our fam.

    Thanks again!

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • imageDawnJM25:

    I'm a fairly religious person, but Trinity is too "in your face" religious/biblical to me.  Of course, whatever has the most meaning for you is what you should go with, but to me Eden has more of a subtle religious tone while still a pretty name. 

    This! It seems along the lines of naming your baby Christian. I love Eden though, and it goes really well with your DS's name! 

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  • i love eden. trinity to me, gives off a certain vibe.
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