Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Bumbo seat worth it?

I am considering buying this for my son, who is 16 weeks old. Any reviews? Is it worth it if they only use it for such a short time?

Re: Bumbo seat worth it?

  • We use ours a lot.  I like having different places to rotate putting him.
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  • I like our Infant Summer Seat

    I think it's 10 dollars more than a bumbo, but it comes with the tray and converts to a booster.  We like it!

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  • DS is 16 weeks old, 15 lbs 1 oz and the Bumbo is getting pretty tight for him to squeeze in and out of.  Do Bumbos come in different sizes (just wondering if they do then maybe I have a smaller one or something?).  
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  • I don't think they come in different sizes. I got two last month and they were about 17 lbs then. It was a little tight but they seem to like sitting in them. I only see us using them for about another month or so.
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  • It depends, our Nate is a chunky monkey so we didn't use it much at home so I sent it to daycare.  Our daycare provider tends to put him in it more and he watches the other kids.  I could have lived without having a bumbo. 
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  • We use it fairly frequently, but we dont have a highchair yet, so it is where we feed her.

  • I like it, we use it to look at books and play but his legs are a bit chubby so it's kind of hard to get in and out of. 
  • We never really got to use it bc DD is almost too big for it and she has figured out how to make it tip backwards. If you don't mind buying used I would suggest going that route so you don't waste a lot of money.
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  • i ended up taking ours back due to my dh telling me we didnt need it.i am glad too because i wouldnt havereally used it.i felt his legs didnt fit right even for a skinny baby.
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  • I really like the bumbo seat for DD.  She likes sitting in it becuase right now she's at that phase where she doesn't like to recline, and if I need to put her down anywhere I can pop her in there and know that she's OK.  She's not spending a lot of time in her swing or bouncy seat right now because of that. 

    Also I was concerned about her spending a lot of time on the swing and bouncy seat because I didn't want her to get flat spots on her head...this gave her the oppoertunity to sit somewhere that I didn't have to worry about it contributing to any flat spots.

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  • Eh, we only used ours from about 10 - 12 weeks. He tries to get out of it by bracing his feet on the floor and pushing up. I only use it when I'm literally right next to him just in case.

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  • it really depends on the child. I bought ours for DS and he hated the thing. DD loves sitting in it because that means she can see around better. Ds was chunky so it was snug on him, but DD is leaner so she still fits perfectly in it.
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  • I would prob try to get one used on CL. I wouldn't have gone out to buy one myself if it wasn't on my registry.
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  • I wouldn't buy a new one. You can find them on Craiglist or at consignment shops all the time for about $15-$20. They're about $40 in the store. We recently started using ours a few minutes here and there.

  • I bought mine off craigslist, practically brand new, with the tray for $15. I wasn't sure if DD would like it, but she loves it! Her thighs are a little chunky but it just sort of catches on them when I take her out so it's not too bad. I think it just depends on the baby whether or not it will get used. I'm glad I got it for such a low price just in case she hated it. Now that she loves it, I am even more excited that I got it for so little! :)
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  • We use ours a LOT.  We use it at the beach, camping, sitting in while I make dinner, playing with toys while I shower, she sits in it in her kiddie pool so I don't have to hold her up constantly.

    Definitely completely worth it for us.  She is just about sitting up on her own now but we definitely got our monies worth. 

  • We love ours, in spite of DD's chunky thighs.
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  • My LO loves it. She's four months old but only 12lbs so she fits great. I looked for mine on craigslist I didn't want to pay $40 for it. They grow out of them too fast to pay full price.
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