
Pumping question (low supply)


I have had a low supply from day one. I still BF the girls every feeding, but they only get about an ounce each from me each time.  I have been religiously pumping after every feeding and my supply has never increased.  I am going back to work next month and will be pumping during the day when the girls would normally feed. Here's my question:

If I stop pumping now in addition to the BF will my supply go down? If so, isn't it going to go down when I go to work and there is only pumping and no BF?  Obviously I want to try and keep what supply I have going for as long as I can.  Just wondering what experiences others had.

Re: Pumping question (low supply)

  • I think as long as you keep pumping your supply should stay the same. My supply was always low and the lack of sleep just made it worse until I was just pumping less than 1 oz. The one thing the boys Pedi told me was to have one beer a nite to help w the supply, I also tried mothers milk tea but is just one of those things, I never had enough. They are on just formula. Gl!



  • Have you tried fenugreek? I take 3 4x a day and it has dramatically increased my supply.
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