
TV while breastfeeding?

Is this dangerous?  You hear things on the news about cell phones but what about being close to a TV while breastfeeding?  I talked to my pediatrician at our last appt and she wasn't even sure!  but she highly doubted it...I did some internet searching and according to two pediatricians TV isn't bad as long as it the light/noises don't interfere with the baby's feeding, here is my source.  What do you guys think- am I putting my baby at risk?

Re: TV while breastfeeding?

  • LOL. how close to the tv are you sitting exactly?
  • Oh, yay, it's replaying now that I'm back from vacation!
  • Loading the player...
    LOL. how close to the tv are you sitting exactly?

    Ha ha ha ha Smile Didn't we just have this exact same question not to long ago by someone else? Stupid advertisements...

  • Yes, the TV could make your BM turn Technicolor!
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
  • imageghm:
    Oh, yay, it's replaying now that I'm back from vacation!


    I was wondering if I was experiencing deja vu! 

    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image

    ps - your website sucks. Useless information.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • I breastfed right next to the TV with DS, biggest mistake ever guys! All he does now is stare off and recite commercials all day long! So with DD now I am sure to sit in a dark closet and BF her in there, where the TV can't get her.

  • Because the last time you posted this you got such an overwhelming response, you decided to create yet ANOTHER account to repost? Seriously too.much.time.on.your.hands!
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
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    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • A representative from TheNest/TheBump should contact the marketing manager of this stupid website.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • Don't get too close to the TV, it might fall on the baby.
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