Baby Names

Name my kitten! PIP

I found this kitty yesterday, and we decided to keep it! I liked Walter Croncat, but it's a girl! What should we call her?



Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket

Re: Name my kitten! PIP

  • ahhhh 

    How about Beatrix Kidcat? too lame?

    I also love the name Lucy for pets. And Molly! 

  • She's so cute! Walter Crocat is hilarious. I can't come up with anything funny, my mind is blank. She definitely needs a pun name, though!

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  • Panda

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
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  • Domino (she could be "Minnie" for short)














  • Pia :)
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  • erinmserinms member

    Well, Katy Perry's cat is named Kitty Purry, so if you like Walter Croncat maybe you will like that too?

    Anyways, I like pp suggestion of Pepper.  

  • Ethel




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  • Chairman Meow...
  • how about Salt n Pepa?? lol. she's cute
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  • I have always like food name for pets. Like my dog is named Panna Cotta. For the kitten I like Pepper. I think that Mouse would be a cute/funny name too.
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  • Binx


    bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks

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  • She is very cute and I can't think of better names than pp but you may want to bring her to a vet or shelter to be sure she hasn't been chipped... just in case she was and has a home already.  (Sorry she reminds me of my fuzzybutts and I believe in chipping all pets). 
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  • Moo


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  • Hmmm. Tilda or Zelda?
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  • How about Moxi or KC (kitty cat)...
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  • My parents used to have a dog named D-O-G and my aunt has a cat named C-A-T. When you say them fast I actually kind of like the names!
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  • imageKZBurnworth:
    My parents used to have a dog named D-O-G and my aunt has a cat named C-A-T. When you say them fast I actually kind of like the names!

    I love this!

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  • I lurk a lot, but your kitty is so cute! I have friends who named their male cat Nathaniel Pawthorne - along the same lines as Walter Croncat. What about Cleocatra if you're looking for something punny?
  • Thank you everyone for your help! we ended up naming her "Chupacabra" because of the goofy looking way she creeps around and pounces on the dog.

    "Cleocatra" is awesome!

    Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket
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