I have an abnormally romantic FI... he's like Adam Sandler's character from The Wedding Singer in that he's always wanted a family. He has these favorite names that he picked out maybe 10 year ago or more (he's 31). I really like some of them, but others I just can't handle. Apparently he's so attached to these names, however, that he's taking my criticism of them a little personally. Part of it is because before we were even engaged he told me some of these names during a casual conversation and I told him I liked them. I DID like them... but for someone else's child. Not mine. Does that make any sense?
We're working on comprimising and I'm trying to be more gentle about his names. We both like "Seraphine." Any thoughts on this name? This may sound crazy, and it may be the wacko pregnancy hormones talking here, but my one kooky problem with this one is that it rhymes with "Gasoline." I was joking around with him about this, especially snce the name menas "the fiery ones" and he got a little offended after awhile. Oops. Sometimes I feel like he's becoming more hormonal than I am!
Re: FI Is Stuck on His Names
I have the same problem with DH! It's not so much that he's attached to certain names as that he gets hurt when I don't like his choices. Last night he said he will just quit suggesting since I hate all his names and got all moody. I don't know what to do! He keeps suggesting names that I think are awful. Hope you can come to a compromise soon!
I agree complete with this.
I agree with this. You guys made a baby together so you have to agree on a name together. He might have his heart set on something before you were even in the picture, but you know what, adults can put aside their childhood desires and realize that they have to consider another person's feelings and input in this decision now. This isn't all on him and it shouldn't be. You should have a name you both like and yes that means he has to stop acting like a petulant child and consider other names.
FWIW, my husband really wanted a junior for a boy. It was something he always imagined growing up. However, I too knew I didn't want a junior. I read a Dear Abby article when I was around 12 years old about the problems having a junior could cause, plus, I just wanted our son to have his own name and identity and didn't feel comfortable with a junior. I told my husband that we could do the reverse of his name, use his first name as a middle name, use his intitials, give our female children the feminine version of his name, but I really did not want a junior. He was a bit disappointed, but also understood where I was coming from and was grateful I was trying to find a compromise.
So what happened was that our first child ( a girl) got the feminine version of his name as her middle name and our son has his middle name as a first ( hope that's not too confusing). He is happy with the arrangement and has admitted that he is glad he doesn't have a junior now.