I'm about to make some longies out of a 97% lambswool sweater for my LO to wear overnight. Do I HAVE to lanolize before they'll work properly? Or is this done so that they can be worn multiple times before washing? TIA!
The lanolizing it what gives it the ability to be a cover. Also, you might want to check about the 97% lambswool. Hopefully one of the knitters on here will see this, but I believe I was told that 100% wool is what you want for diaper covers. But lanolizing is not difficult at all, waiting for the wool to dry is the hardest part
ETA: I just realized that you may not be asking because of the difficulty but because you don't have any lanolin. If that's the case, CVS/target/walmart/etc should all sell Lansinoh Lanolin (100% lanolin), the kind you put on your nipples when you first start breastfeeding, that's the stuff you need. Of course, there are other brands with different scents added in, but that should do you just fine and is easy to get.
Thanks ladies! If I make it to the store today, I'll pick up the lanolin. If not, I'll take my chances tonight because I'm WAY too impatient! All our other overnight options (besides the fitted I made her that she wore last night under a thirsties cover!) leak anyway, so it wouldn't be much of a change! ;-)
Re: Quick wool ?
The lanolizing it what gives it the ability to be a cover. Also, you might want to check about the 97% lambswool. Hopefully one of the knitters on here will see this, but I believe I was told that 100% wool is what you want for diaper covers. But lanolizing is not difficult at all, waiting for the wool to dry is the hardest part
ETA: I just realized that you may not be asking because of the difficulty but because you don't have any lanolin. If that's the case, CVS/target/walmart/etc should all sell Lansinoh Lanolin (100% lanolin), the kind you put on your nipples when you first start breastfeeding, that's the stuff you need. Of course, there are other brands with different scents added in, but that should do you just fine and is easy to get.
Anything 80% wool and over (as long as the other % isn't something like cotton or silk) is fine. It doesn't have to be 100%
Some people don't lanolize, but it helps with preventing leaks. It's not that hard so I'd just go ahead and do it afte ryou're done making the cover.
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