
4 days w/o power, 15K in damages, and a few lessons learned (long)

Monday morning started off a little unusual as both babies slept to 7:30.  We came downstairs for breakfast and it looked like it was going to storm.   Within minutes the wind was blowing so hard the top of our new tree was bent over and touching the ground.  DH was about to go out and grab some stuff from the back yard when we started hearing huge trees falling down nearby.  We watched as 72 feet of our metal pier was ripped out of the water and flew away.  We grabbed the babies and took cover.  I have never been so frightened in my life.  In those moments you realize that every material item can be replaced as long as our family is safe. 

That being said, it is still very difficult to take care of two 12 month olds without electricity, especially when it is hot out.  Somehow we managed, and I now I am even more thankful for my dishwasher, garbage disposal, garage door opener, air conditioner, internet, and washer/dryer.

A few lessons for next time (which we will hopefully not need!) 1.  We are going to have a generator installed  2.  We are going to make an emergency plan and have supplies more readily available.  3.  I will be sure to check on neighbors (I feel like a schmuck for not realizing earlier our disabled neighbor was w/o food, car, and phone)  
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Re: 4 days w/o power, 15K in damages, and a few lessons learned (long)

  • WOW! I cannot imagine what your family must have been through. I am glad everyone is OK, I hope you don't go through something like that again, but at least you have a plan and a little experience. 
  • So sorry to hear that you were out of power for so long.  We live near you and I too have never seen anything like this storm.  We were fortunate to not lose power for long but had many friends out for days as well.  I'm glad that life is returning to normal.  Thanks for sharing your lessons learned.

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  • I'm glad you guys are okay!  We had a series of bad tornadoes here in the south in the spring and it scared me to death, but luckily we didn't get hit. 
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  • so glad you are all OK - sorry about the losses and the terror you must have gone through, but you are right- health and safety is #1.  Prayers for you all as you fix everything up and recover.
    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • How scary, I'm glad you are all ok and things are getting back to normal.

    I did a similar thing (forgetting about a neighbor) when I was in my early 20s. The apartment complex I lived in flooded at 4:30am and I was so busy trying to save all my own stuff from the water, that it never crossed my mind to check on my elderly neighbor until the landlord asked if he was ok. I felt like such an idiot! The poor guy just slept through the whole thing, but I'm sure he lost a lot of stuff that could've been saved. I felt terrible, but it's so easy to get caught in the moment!

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  • Oh my!  That must have been scary.  Going through a few hurricanes, I know storms are now fun.  Not looking forward to the day of expriencing one with the boys.

    Glad everyone is ok!

    -- Jackie
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