Disclaimer - this is a question that I am asking to help me with an idea that I hope will help my business grow, although this post itself is not an advertisement and I am not providing any info or links to my business. If this offends you, then please don't read further.
When you reached the end of your IF treatment, did your RE bring up the option of adoption? Did they give you any literature, or point you in the direction of some adoption resources?
The reason I ask is because I had a networking lunch the other day with the adoption consultant we used, and I asked her if she had ideas of people I could network with to grow my adoption practice. She suggested RE offices.
I was thinking of creating nice brochures about the different adoption options, with a small blurb somewhere with the name of my practice and contact info. I would network with RE's and give them these brochures to give to patients who might be interested in adoption.
Is this a conversation that most people end up having with their RE at the end of treatment, where it would be appropriate for him or her to provide such a brochure? I would outline the different types of adoption, and probably include a web address to find out information about each type. Obviously this is a form of advertising, but I want it to be something that people find useful and informative or else it won't get passed out.
Re: For those who did IF treatment
b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
Homestudy 7/19/2011
IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frosties
We just kind of stopped going after our 3rd failed IUI, but we were already set on adoption when it failed, so no need to return.
But, I went to an infertility seminar (which was put together by the poster jehnm), and one of the RE's there was my friend's RE. We happened to be looking at pictures of DD at the time and the RE asked what agency I went with so she could refer her patients when they were done with treatments. So yes, I think it would be a good thing.
The offices probably won't advertise you like in their patient rooms or lobby, but probably keep your brochures to give if the time arises for the patients. But that's my guess.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking - that if a patient asks about adoption, it could be something the doctor can give for information.
Our RE didn't offer us anything, but I bet he would have had a recommendation or two if we had asked. I think this is a great idea!
Also, I recently went to an agency info session, and they had us each share how we had heard about the agency. I was surprised how many of the people had heard about them through a RESOLVE conference they had attended. I'm not sure if there is one in your area, but thought I would through that out there just in case.
My blog: Making Me Mom
Nope, she didn't breathe a word about it. And to take the cynical side of it, I wouldn't see why she would. That would basically mean her clinic "losing" money by us exploring other options like adoption.
And to carry the cynicism further, I don't know if it would necessarily generate a lot of interest. From reading the IF boards here especially, there seems to be a core group of women who want to experience pregnancy no matter what, and if that's impossible they're just going to go child-free. And someone suggesting adoption to them rubs them the wrong way.
Just something I wanted to throw out there.
I'm more thinking of it as an option the RE could have info for once a couple has decided they are done with RE, but I do see your point. I also wouldn't see it as something that would be passed out to every couple when they decide no more IF treatment - but maybe occasionally a patient would ask. I was only planning to give each RE about 10 brochures, as I can't imagine they will be giving them out left and right.
The other poster's experience with her RE makes me sad. There are a couple of infertility therapists in Atl who have a good reputation. Maybe a good place to start is with them, and ask them for names of good RE's who are more adoption friendly. That way I'd not be wasting my time on RE's who just keep pushing fertility treatment and not willing to discuss other options.
In my over four years of treatments, not one doctor has ever mentioned adoption. One RE mentioned donor eggs and/or embryo adoption, but that's where it ended. I honestly feel like a big part of it was because doctors don't receive any money from people adopting. Hate to say it, but I think it's true. (ditto pp)
Doctors letting patients know that adopting (DA or IA) is a viable option would be a huge value IMO. So many patients - women & men - struggle to have a family and trust our medical professionals to make that happen. When it doesn't, it's easy for a couple to think they are simply at the end of the road. Yes, I would more than love to experience a pregnancy and deliver and all that comes with it, but it surely won't be happening with my eggs. Simply even hearing about adoption from a doctor might help more people consider it as a viable option vs. a last resort. Still a newbie in the adoption arena, but those are my little opinions.
ETA: Sorry - hit reply before I was finished! I think having a brochure as part of the "what's next?" package of information from an RE (even OB/gyn) would be great. Not sure how well received it would be by the doctors due the money issue I already mentioned. It's worth a valiant try though!
After 5.5 years of loss, heartbreak, and empty arms, our dreams were fulfilled through the beautiful, selfless gift of adoption. We are amazingly blessed!
Blog About Us | Blog About RPL/IF/Adoption
After our 3rd IVF that failed, our RE said that we could try again with a donor egg, we could stop treatment, or we could look into adoption. I said we were thinking about adoption already and she said that was a good idea. We had concerns about whether a donor egg would even implant at that time (we suspect in addition to other things, that I have implantation issues.)
I would have appreciated some kind of info from the RE. She just made the suggestion but didn't give us any literature or brochures.
My opinion is that most people don't reach the end of their treatments. Maybe they stop after IUI's or after a few IVF's or a few m/c, but it doesn't seem that MOST people exhaust all their options with an RE, you know? In which case I doubt there would be MUCH opportunity for RE's to promote adoption. Bc most of them probably believe they can get their patients pg.
But I like the idea, I just don't know how much it would help you.
We sought an RE at a weird time--- after three failed DAs. I started the journey with the RE mostly interested in surrogacy and embryo adoption as a back up plan to adoption.
My assessment of the RE is that he had an agenda--- to get me or a surrogate pregnant. He said some things that I know take offense to (semi anti-adoption... more along the lines of why it's best to have "your own child").
While he was nice, I do feel like he is so business minded he would not put the needs of a client first.
All of that said, I think the idea has merit. Maybe also networking with mental health professionals that specialize in IF. (I have a friend who's a psychologist and her field of expertise is IF with research in egg and sperm donation.)
Hey! Can you PM or facebook message me the name of the RE and practice? Sounds like this is a good group to network with.
I agree with whomever said it... adoption is just kinda a "given" - everyone knows if you can't have kids "naturally" you can "just adopt." (brruuhaaaaaaaaa)
While I think your idea is a good one, I don't think it would be very lucrative. Like, how long would it take you to cover the cost of printing, your time to design/distribute, market, etc? (I guess I'm confused where YOU/company would make your money?)
For some, adoption is their NEXT step, and for others, it's their LAST step. So many variables in that, KWIM?
The brochures will only cost me a couple hundred dollars, and they could be used in places other than a RE office - even in my office reception area. As far as the time spent marketing, I actually spend about 50% of my time marketing (for all of my services, not just adoption), meeting with as many professionals as possible. I just want to get my name out there, and if even only a very small percentage of the people I network with send me business, I'll be happy. If I were to get just one client from printing a couple hundred brochures, it would have paid for itself about 10 times over. And if I get none, then I've tried it but won't spend any more money on more brochures and networking with REs
I'll just see what happens.
Thanks everyone for your responses!
Our RE did mention adoption as an option. He was actually the first one to bring it up. He mentioned it when we got to the point of moving to IVF. He was very nice and didn't pressure one way or the other, but he made sure we knew our options.
I think having brochures at the RE would be great. I would've loved to get some basic information and even a name of someone to call to start gathering info. Once we decided on adoption we were on our own, it would have been nice to have a starting place.
It may not bring in alot of customers to you, but at the very least you may be helping people gather info and get informed about adoption. Which is always a good thing!
Nope- our RE said " I know I can get your pg- I just dont know how many more IVF's it will take" this was after 2 IVF's (one of which ended in an early miscarriage)
We decided to stop going to the RE and persue adoption.
I don't think it would be appropiate for RE's to be handing out adoption info- what if the patient was offended? Some people just don't want to hear other options, or may not be ready to hear about other options, and it's not the RE's place to bring that up- that is the decision of the couple. That being said for the RE to have the info to give out that's fine- but it should only be given out if the patient requests it.
Our RE has mentioned adoption as an option at each one of our options/ what's next meetings but that could have had something to do with our diagnosis. I'm not sure if it could have come up so soon if we'd had more treatment options.
I think at the same meeting we got our IVF packet (at that point we didn't know if we'd even be able to do IVF without donor sperm) we got a brochure about adoption and some contact info for local adoption agencies/contacts.