Hi there!
I have a four year old daughter, Teresa Lauren. We call her Tessie. Lauren is a blend of my mother's name, Laurie and my husband's mom, Karen. We are TTC and if we have another girl, I would like to name her Laura Elizabeth to honour my mom in both of my girls. Do you think the names are too similar?
Re: Too similar?
I do love it...and I just think my Mom is wonderful and thought it would be touching...but then again, I also want my children to have different names so perhaps Laura won't be an option. And there are so many names out there... Sometimes you just have to hear someone else's opinion to confirm what you already knew!
The name is fine, but I think one kid named after her is enough.
What about your mom's middle name? Or maybe combine Karen and Laurie again and get Carrie?
Stick, baby, Stick!
Beta #1 (12dpo): 38.3; Beta #2 (15dpo): 202.7
Baby Girl born 1/17/13