
HELP - refusal of medicine

I'm on my last straw.  Max has had a fever since Sunday morning that just won't break.  On top of that, he is refusing to take any medicine to make him feel better.  Liquid Motrin or Tylenol?  Forget it.  We've tried to hide it every which way but how, and the best we can do is force it.  Today the H went out and found chewable tablets.  They were kind of big so he quartered them.  Pretending they were something special, he gave them to the boy.  He ate one quarter and was like F this.

We've been to the pedi - I just need suggestions on how to get him to take the tiny little bit of meds that clearly make him pep up and feel better when we are able to force it!

Any experiences??

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Re: HELP - refusal of medicine

  • Bribes.  I think sick kids are incapable of rational thought (well, non-sick kids aren't always capable of rational thought either!) and sometimes you need to pull out the big guns!  
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • Would bribery work?   lolipops work wonders on DS.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
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  • I have bribed him with every damn thing I can think of that he wants at that given time.  It's only worked twice - once to clop around in my heels and once for I forget what else.  But this kid will stand his ground and even bribes aren't working.  We've tried different flavors too.

    I hate to force it because then he either spews it out or gags on it, but it helps when he gets it!

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  • Tylenol suppositories.

    Tell him that it either goes into his mouth or it will go up his butt. :-)

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    Tylenol suppositories.

    Tell him that it either goes into his mouth or it will go up his butt. :-)

    LOL I thought you were joking til I googled! 

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  • my kids get a kick out of drinking from the little medicine cup.   DS doesn't have any problem taking the meds, but he always wants me to fill the cup with water after.  They  also use them when brushing their teeth to rinse. It's a bit odd, but whatever.  It could be worse. Anyway, dd recently decided she wouldn't take meds either, so I put the meds in the cup and fill the cup with some apple juice or grape juice. She drinks the juice without realizing she's getting the meds.  Then I give her a sip of water in the same cup after. Maybe you could try this, but don't tell him the meds are in the cup.  It's just juice! 
    Christmas 2009 image
  • ZenyaZenya member

    My DD is like that and I had to put her abx in chocolate sauce.  icecream and chocolate sauce 2x day :)

    For a fever I just don't give her medicine though.  I just let her be miserable.  It's annoying but I'm not fighting with her or giving her icecream just for a fever.  I think fevers supposed to be therapeutic anyway?

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  • I wish my  kids were more in the middle on this as well.  I have the total opposite problem as you.  My kids BEG me to take tylenol or any kind of liquid medicine.  I have to keep it locked up because Im scared they will figure out how to open the safety lids and chug the bottle.  

    Have you tried mixing it with Kool-Aid?  I know its not the best option but it did work for us when Kennedy got a rx that smelled/tasted HORRID!  I dont remember what it was but it was a UTI.  I would mix the regular dose with maybe 6oz of Kool-Aid.  I made sure to do it and not let her see me mix it the first time so she had no clue it was in there.  I mainly wanted to see if she could taste it.  She would have drank it anyways and did after she knew she wouldnt taste it.

    Good Luck & I hope he feels better soon!   


    1st Day of Kindergarten & 1st Grade 08.29.11

    Landon * Kaydance * Kennedy
    5/13/05 ******5/24/06

    * Baby is due July 24 2012 * Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • DS1 like drinking it from the little med cup, or squirting it in his mouth (by himself!) with the syringe, and also loves the med spoon. He's easy to give meds to-now. When he was little, we had to hold him down, put the syringe in his cheek to the back of his throat and squirt a little at a time-sometimes rubbing his throat. For DS2 we use the med-bottle, the syringe goes in the middle of it, and I just push it slowly through as he sucks on it.

    Good luck- I hope something works!

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