
Do you use coupons?

I have never really used coupons before but I think I am going to start. The state of the economy hasn't really effected us too badly in our day to day (nervrmind our 401k's though!) But, DH and I are going to try and live a little more frugally and try to get in a different mindset on spending money, because right now we are just kind of willy nilly with it. So, in my quest for saving I am going to become a coupon clipper. For those who do, where do you get your coupons from? I know the Sunday paper has them, but are there other places or that you get them? Thanks!

Re: Do you use coupons?

  • yup - sure do!  We're really trying to live more frugally too (thinking about DC#2)  I get my coupons from the Sunday paper and from my Mom and Dad who couldn't be bothered. Using them I look at the sale flyers and try to match up sale items w/coupons.  I had one shopping trip so successful the checker had to get a management override!

    I think AnnapolisLari (?) is a moderator for

    Also, before I buy anything online i search for promo codes and if I can make my purchases thru where a portion of the sale (0.5 - 4%) goes to a charity of my choice. 

    My DH didn't even use the grocery store club card before we were dating...he called his Mom one day to ask her if she did when he saw how much we saved. She LOL'd for a while about that one.

  • Yes. We do sometimes. ?I need to get better at it. ??

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  • yep!!  I really score by checking the weekly ads and buying sale items w/a coupon.  Also, check with your grocery store, some double you coupon w/o making it public.  I usually save about $25 a week or so with coupons.  I also signed up at  They will give you ideas and tips on how to save where you can.  Great site!  The woman who started that site was on Oprah a couple weeks back.  You can also print coupons from a bunch of sites, although, not all stores take printed coupons.  I know of
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