April 2011 Moms

Any tips for leaving LO overnight?

I'm going away for a night and leaving DS with MIL. I am having some anxiety about it (bad mom syndrome), but I think I have finally convinced myself to go.  I am most nervous about him eating at night from a bottle - which he has never had to do before (for all of his night feedings).  I wish that I would have practiced night bottles more.

I'm going to leave a few "dirty" shirts that smell like me, but is there anything else I can do to make LO more comfortable while I'm gone?

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Re: Any tips for leaving LO overnight?

  • If he has taken bottles before, I would assume he should be fine taking one at night.  The only thing I would suggest is always pack more bottles than you think he would need, just in case.  But other than that, I can't think of anything else.  It will be OK....(((hugs)))
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