I made a comment on a diaper maker's FB page about how her prints are so cute but her tag is so big and two people commented after they disagreed-they liked the tag
The tag is atrocious. Even if I liked ghastlies, I wouldn't want that diaper because the tag detracts from the print. And even if it didn't, the tag is ugly in and of itself.
The tag is atrocious. Even if I liked ghastlies, I wouldn't want that diaper because the tag detracts from the print. And even if it didn't, the tag is ugly in and of itself.
I can't see anything. It just takes me to the fans of tt group page.
Really? weird. Its' pico boo baby if you HAVE to see it
I remember someone else mentioning this.
that is a bummer about the label. It covers up a lot of the print. If it was a repeating pattern or a solid color it wouldn't bother me, but I think it takes away from a scene print.
BFP #1 - BFP #2 - Blog and Luck to my BFPB StephK!!- Emma is here!!
I saw those earlier today, they're ridiculous. Also, it looks like they're embroidered on, which is going to make it significantly more dense and stiff than a simple woven tag being sewn on. Looks good on the rainbow diaper though;P
I can't see anything. It just takes me to the fans of tt group page.
Really? weird. Its' pico boo baby if you HAVE to see it
You think that it'd be too early to have brown nosers... "Its my favorite part!"... Really? The tag is your favorite? Cute prints be damned, in only going to buy diapers with cute tags from now on!...
ok I might have gotten a touch snarky there.... But really??
I can't see anything. It just takes me to the fans of tt group page.
Really? weird. Its' pico boo baby if you HAVE to see it
You think that it'd be too early to have brown nosers... "Its my favorite part!"... Really? The tag is your favorite? Cute prints be damned, in only going to buy diapers with cute tags from now on!...
ok I might have gotten a touch snarky there.... But really??
I know! I was like c'mon, do you work for them? I don't even think the diapers are available for people to buy so how can they have the fans. I am such a meanie bumpie
I would bet that the people who are defending the tag are the sellers friends. I sometimes think it's a liability to have friends who know about your business, because they're going to support you even if you have an idea that is bad (i.e. ginormous tags).
I would bet that the people who are defending the tag are the sellers friends. I sometimes think it's a liability to have friends who know about your business, because they're going to support you even if you have an idea that is bad (i.e. ginormous tags).
Yeah, i figured they were friends too... Bummer for her that her friends arent honest about things. Heck, maybe they just have bad taste and really do like the tags. I almost hope that's the case rather than them just brown-nosing.
I can't see anything. It just takes me to the fans of tt group page.
Really? weird. Its' pico boo baby if you HAVE to see it
You think that it'd be too early to have brown nosers... "Its my favorite part!"... Really? The tag is your favorite? Cute prints be damned, in only going to buy diapers with cute tags from now on!...
ok I might have gotten a touch snarky there.... But really??
I know! I was like c'mon, do you work for them? I don't even think the diapers are available for people to buy so how can they have the fans. I am such a meanie bumpie
Lol...the tags are huge! I just liked them because I saw they were having a giveaway...I'll let you know if the diaper is any good, but I really hope the tag doesn't make the back stiff!
Completely distracts from the print, especially with the rainbow.
ETA: just saw the comments - "i like the tag it's my favorite part"....really? the tag is your favorite part? why buy the whole diaper, maybe she'd sell her some tags for a few bucks a piece.
DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010 DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012 TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
I read her blog earlier when someone posted about winning the giveaway. I thought the tag was huge. I would think to get 100 facebook fans in 2 weeks many would have to be your fans before you even sell very many...
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I definitely think the people sticking up for the tag are somehow tied to the seller. They jumped in right away and commented about it, and then to create a separate post about it is suspicious. That person is commenting all over the place. I don't buy it. I kind of want to comment back to her, "I love your diapers, don't change a thing!" post with, "Did you get to test some out already?" and some questions about fit or something to see if she's actually used them. How else could you be so gung ho about something? And a freaking tag of all things?
/end rant
I liked the page this morning when someone commented about winning one of their diapers and I've been thinking about this all day, lol.
ETA: Someone just asked her!
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Completely distracts from the print, especially with the rainbow.
ETA: just saw the comments - "i like the tag it's my favorite part"....really? the tag is your favorite part? why buy the whole diaper, maybe she'd sell her some tags for a few bucks a piece.
This cracked me up!
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desperately trying to fix this wonky post
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var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ROVER_TAG = "711-36858-13496-14";
I am sure aliens could see that thing from outerspace. I had to lol @ "the tag is my favorite part". OMG! Really? So, just slap a huge ugly tag on it and you are in love? I mean, not minding it is crazy enough, but is it really your fave or do you just a$$ kiss so much that your lips are in permanent pucker mode?
wowser. That's hideous! And I loved this thread. I'm feeling so d@mn cranky tonight and this snark is just what I needed. Thanks ladies :-)
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
a.b - I saw your post earlier, but the post was buried and I didn't want to bump it - but I was going to post that I agreed that the tag was really distracting and humungo!
I like the aliens can see it from space analogy!
ETA - I just went and checked out this specific link and that cut is horrible too!
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
Okay I just looked at their store and they are smoking crack on their pricing. To be a totally new company and come out right away charging $28-34 per diaper (with huge labels)? Crazycakes.
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
Okay I just looked at their store and they are smoking crack on their pricing. To be a totally new company and come out right away charging $28-34 per diaper (with huge labels)? Crazycakes.
I love ghastlies, but I wouldnt buy something with a tag that big. It totaly detracts from the design, expecially where it is placed. It only tempts someone to take the tag off, limiting the purpose of the tag... visability for her store. Someone should link this post on her FB page for her, so she gets honest answers.
Re: okay, really?
I can't see anything. It just takes me to the fans of tt group page.
BFP #1 - BFP #2 - Blog
and Luck to my BFPB StephK!!- Emma is here!!
Really? weird. Its' pico boo baby if you HAVE to see it
...Baby Blog...CD Blog...
I remember someone else mentioning this.
BFP #1 - BFP #2 - Blog
and Luck to my BFPB StephK!!- Emma is here!!
I saw those earlier today, they're ridiculous. Also, it looks like they're embroidered on, which is going to make it significantly more dense and stiff than a simple woven tag being sewn on. Looks good on the rainbow diaper though;P
ok I might have gotten a touch snarky there.... But really??
I know! I was like c'mon, do you work for them? I don't even think the diapers are available for people to buy so how can they have the fans. I am such a meanie bumpie
Lol...the tags are huge! I just liked them because I saw they were having a giveaway...I'll let you know if the diaper is any good, but I really hope the tag doesn't make the back stiff!
Completely distracts from the print, especially with the rainbow.
ETA: just saw the comments - "i like the tag it's my favorite part"....really? the tag is your favorite part? why buy the whole diaper, maybe she'd sell her some tags for a few bucks a piece.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
I definitely think the people sticking up for the tag are somehow tied to the seller. They jumped in right away and commented about it, and then to create a separate post about it is suspicious. That person is commenting all over the place. I don't buy it. I kind of want to comment back to her, "I love your diapers, don't change a thing!" post with, "Did you get to test some out already?" and some questions about fit or something to see if she's actually used them. How else could you be so gung ho about something? And a freaking tag of all things?
/end rant
I liked the page this morning when someone commented about winning one of their diapers and I've been thinking about this all day, lol.
ETA: Someone just asked her!
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I am sure aliens could see that thing from outerspace. I had to lol @ "the tag is my favorite part". OMG! Really? So, just slap a huge ugly tag on it and you are in love? I mean, not minding it is crazy enough, but is it really your fave or do you just a$$ kiss so much that your lips are in permanent pucker mode?
*takes grumpy self to bed*
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
a.b - I saw your post earlier, but the post was buried and I didn't want to bump it - but I was going to post that I agreed that the tag was really distracting and humungo!
I like the aliens can see it from space analogy!
ETA - I just went and checked out this specific link and that cut is horrible too!
Someone who doesn't know about creating anticipation and drawing the largest crowds with strategic stocking times?
Or someone who just hasn't been around the crazy cd community for long.
Okay, and this is weird. Their product description:
"Please note the diaper you receive may differ slightly from the picture depending on the fabric cut.
No wonder the label is so huge. They think their farking logo is that awesome that it deserves to be the 2nd point highlighted.
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug
I love your siggy pic.
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug