c/s mommas

So, I'm almost a year out from my c/s and I'm wondering if what I'm experiencing is normal. I still have quite a bit of pain when holding/rocking DS. I swear there are nights, like tonight, where I would give anything for a painkiller to take a little bit before trying to rock him. He's so heavy and he squirms and it's always right on my incision. It hurts enough to make me tear up. It's also not just when I rock him, it hurts like a MF when my cats jump on my stomach and land on or try to patty foot my incision site. I'm just wondering if it's normal to steal have that much pain this far out from my surgery.

I guess at this point I'm just going to start taking advil or tylenol 30 minutes before bed/naptime to help with the pain for now.

DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~

Re: c/s mommas

  • For me the incision pain went away completely by 6month PP.  I vote talk to your doctor about this ongoing pain!
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  • I would venture to guess that this is not normal. I haven't had pain like that since about 2 months out of my c-section. I will get twinges of pain, like on a pain scale they'd be a 2, and they go away instantly. I asked my Dr and she said it's just the nerves reconnecting with each other. I am still numb around my incision but I get more feeling around it each week. If you're in enough pain where you want pain killers just for rocking your son, I would say make an appt with your Dr. to see what else could be going on!
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  • Hmm. Well..I was still having pain that far out, but I was about to give birth again so I think it might not be the same ;)

    Based on what my friends have said that doesn't sound typical to me. I would probably talk to your OB about it. One thing that comes to mind is that two of my friends who've had c/s ended up with something called "diastasis recti." One of them says it hasn't hurt at all, but the other one has had pain - I think she developed a hernia because of it.

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  • I would definitely give your doctor a call.  That doesn't sound normal to me.  I haven't had any pain around my incision since DS was about 6 months old.  My incision itches a lot (especially when sweaty), but I haven't experienced any pain in a long time.  Good luck to you!
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  • My incision got infected and reopened a few weeks after my cs and it was all healed and fine by about 6 months.  I would definitely call your doctor. 
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  • Just want to reaffirm what everyone else has said- I would definitely ask the doctor. My pain went away pretty quickly. I can't remember exactly how long, but it definitely started subsiding dramatically after just one....maybe two....weeks. Can't remember having any after a month.
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  • imageRach03k:
    One thing that comes to mind is that two of my friends who've had c/s ended up with something called "diastasis recti." One of them says it hasn't hurt at all, but the other one has had pain - I think she developed a hernia because of it.

    I was thinking this, too.

    I have a few twinges here and there, but it's on my external scar, and not to the extreme you're describing. Definitely get it checked out!

    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • I also think you should talk to your doctor.  I have diastasis recti and pain from it sometimes but not like you are describing.  I wonder if you have nerve damage or something like that.  I hope you can get it figured out and resolved.

    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imagekcvasquez:
    I would venture to guess that this is not normal. I haven't had pain like that since about 2 months out of my c-section. I will get twinges of pain, like on a pain scale they'd be a 2, and they go away instantly. I asked my Dr and she said it's just the nerves reconnecting with each other. I am still numb around my incision but I get more feeling around it each week. If you're in enough pain where you want pain killers just for rocking your son, I would say make an appt with your Dr. to see what else could be going on!

    This exactly!  I started massaging my scar to help reconnect nerves and prevent tissue from attached where it's not supposed to be.   It definitely helps.  But, I wouldn't go massaging, until you have spoken to a doctor.

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  • imageiris427:
    I also think you should talk to your doctor.  I have diastasis recti and pain from it sometimes but not like you are describing.  I wonder if you have nerve damage or something like that.  I hope you can get it figured out and resolved.

    I also have diastasis recti - just from being pregnant though, not from the c-section - and it usually doesn't cause me any pain unless I try to do too much exercising.


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  • I'm almost 9 months out and I still get really sharp pains where my incision was.  Mostly around when my period is coming.
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