Let me just ask if you ladies think I might, maybe actually be a candidate for VBA2C. I'm not pg yet, but we're hoping to start trying in August and I have my yearly in a few weeks so I want to talk about it with my doc. I know ACOG changed the VBAC guidelines to include some women who have had 2 c-sections and I don't know if I fall into that category. A L&D nurse acquaintance of mine said a few weeks ago that she has never seen a VBA2C done at our (small) hospital. I'm not sure if it's because they just don't do them, or because the guidelines are new and they haven't had anyone who have met the crtiteria and wanted to yet. So, here's my short history: 1st baby was breech, so I had a C-section. I was supposed to have a VBAC for baby#2 and had prodromodal labor for several days(41 weeks along), finally dilated to 1 cm and then his heartrate dropped to 80 for 3 minutes. They advised a c-section. Both of the reasons I had c-sections were flukes, right, so I should be a candidate? From what I've read, I think I'd be the perfect candidate, right? Am I missing anything? What else should I ask at this visit?
Re: Before I go and look like a fool...
Yup, you sound like a good candidate to me. But, yeah, it might be hard to find a doctor for a VBA2C. I know that my doctors won't do it...or can't...but I do wonder if the standards will start changing with the new ACOG guidelines. Might take awhile, though.
What kind of incision do you have? Probably the low transverse uterine incision...?