So we found out Tuesday that we're having a boy!!! We are thrilled and pretty sure we're going with Keegan/Keagan(probably Keegan) for his first name. But we can't figure out a mn.. The ones we have vetoed are: James, Lucas, Brady(because if we have another boy down the road I want to name him Lucas Brady ), Asher, Levi, Scott, Mark, Blake, Wesley.. That's all I can think of right now.
We have thought of going with John because it is both our fathers names so that is an option we are keeping but we'd like a few others to think about too. We love Irish names but not sure if there are any that will go with Keegan and we probably want to keep it one syllable. Last name starts with an F. Thanks for your help!
Re: Middle Name Help
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Too bad you've nixed Brady. I think those two really go well with one another. Alexander is another name that sounds fitting. Not Irish, I know, but...