So if you remember we spent 3 weeks in sposies due to yeast that then morphed into some other nasty rash once the yeast was gone. We were back in cloth for 1 week and it is back; I am almost 100% sure it is yeast since after 2 diaper changes after applying the antifungal it was almost gone where the cream had been applied (though it had spead a bit so now I am treating that part.
ANyways, my question. Obviously I did not get it out of my diapers well enough. Help. I don't mind using bleach - that is what I used before but I don't know what I did wrong. I have a FL so I can't fill it up and then add dipers. Maybe I added too many diapers? Can I soak them in the hot water/bleach combo - will that mess up the diapers soaking in bleach?
Gah - I want this taken care of. We are going on week 4 of sposies and it will be at least 2 more before we are backin cloth. Help.
Re: Bleaching Diapers Re: yeast
Sorry to hear the saga continues. Here's what Stephanie at Abby's Lane tells me.
Wash the diapers normally. They need to be clean before you bleach.
Set up your washer to do a hot wash cycle (I use my normal diaper washing setting, since I wash on hot). Add 1/3 cup chlorine bleach to the dispenser. Run cycle, and add an extra rinse at the end.
Stripping with Dawn isn't necessary. Hot water and bleach will do the trick. I also had luck with biokleen oxygen bleach plus with multiple hot water cycles.