i havent posted in a while but i lurk from time to time here. after reading a few ppls posts i have a question about eating. how much does your baby eat?? ive seen numerous ppl ppst that their babies take 6-7 oz at a time. im ebf so i cant totally be sure how much she gets on the breast. she feeds for roughly 15 min every 3- 3.5 hrs. when she does take a bottle of bm ( a few times a week) she will only take 3.5 oz tops. and then shes not hungry for 3 more hrs. shes gaining weight steadily... 7 lbs at birth and 10.5 at her 2 month appt... just seems like its so little compared to other ppls babies especially bc she sstn (8 hrs straught). also shes not rolling over yet.. is that normal? she hates.tummy time and will just lay there and scream. tia ladies
Re: eating?
It sounds like she is eating right. BM is different from formula. As you baby grows your breastmilk changes and meets their needs. Formula does not change which is why babies eat more of it. Your BM will increase in fat, etc so that she will not eat as much. My son will only take between 3-4 ounces of BM too and he is 14 weeks.
Don't worry about rolling over. My DS is not either and I believe that is a 4 month milestone. She will roll when she is ready. Have you tried tummy time on a boppy? I place my DS on a boppy and he will do tummy time longer. You can also do it on your chest, the couch, etc. I find that the softer the spot the more he tolerates it especially if I am there looking at him and talking with him during tummy time.
It sounds like she is gaining weight just fine so she seems to be eating what she needs. My LO will eat 5 oz of BM from a bottle if he's really hungry. He nurses for 15 to 30 minutes, normally averaging about 24 minutes per feeding. Sometimes he will go for much longer, though, so it's really hard to tell what he's getting.
I agree with PP about trying tummy time on the boppy. My LO is much more content to stay on his tummy when he has the boppy, too.