We're looking to possibly host one when baby #3 is due in September and looking for experiences from you ladies!

"Yet you do not have because you do not ask. Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you recieve them, and you will have them." -James 4:2 and Mark 11:24.
Re: Anyone use an au pair?
I never hosted one, but they were all the rage in my neighborhood a few years back.
The au pair has to have her own bedroom AND bathroom, which puts a lot of houses out of contention in my neighborhood. But overall, the feedback I got was that it was hit and miss. Depending on the girl, you could get an awesome au pair or one that was just looking for a ticket to the US to party for a year.
Also keep in mind that they are only allowed to stay for a year, which might be an issue if the kids became super attached to her.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
We have an au pair and LOVE her! She has her own room but shares a bathroom with the kids and guests. She is here for one year and can extend a second. Our au pair is planning on staying with us a second year, which will be great continuity for the kids. Unfortunately, they cannot stay longer than 2 years on a J-1 au pair visa.
She works 45 hours a week. Plus, she helps out on off hours. If I am making dinner, she will pacifer and change diapers. She is responsible for the kids rooms, laundry, feeding, her room and the bathroom she shares. She also helps clean the common areas with us ie...she will clean kitchen while I am cleaning the floor. Once the babies are ready for baby food, she will make that as well.
We pay her $195.75 a week and pay for the 6 credits of class she has to take over the year. We did not have to pay an application fee because we were referred by another host family. If you have any questions or would like a referral for a free application just pm me.
a good friend of mine has had 3 the past 4 years... they loved their first - were not crazy about the 2nd at all - and love the 3rd the most and are so sad she'll be leaving in Dec.
I personally could never have another woman (or man) living in my home - that would drive me insane - but if you are cool with that- and have the space- they can be a great choice.
yes, and no. My friend's one au pair was 25... and one sexy latina - she wore skin tight clothes, her g-string often hanging out the back of her pants, etc.... even my husband was like "woah, how does any woman agree to have a chick like that living in their home?"... Sure- even if you trust your husband- it just LOOKS awkward to other people... And that au pair was all about meeting and marrying a man in the US - spent all her free time on match.com - and had guys flying her to FL to meet up with her... so then they had to stress out that their au pair was going to be murdered or raped - yet, they couldn't exactly tell her "no" because she is an adult and not their kid. It created a LOT of stress for her..... thankfully now her au pair is fantastic - came here at 19y/o from Australia and has been wonderful all around.... but you just never know.
My cousin got one for her triplets - had to fire her after a week b/c she was so horrible... and now the new one they have is totally incompetant and they don't even feel comfortable leaving her alone with the triplets - thankfully she works from home- but really? What's the purpose of having one if you can't even go to the store on your own? She is MISERABLE with this chick in her house- yet, b/c of the contract they would have to shell out $$$ to get rid of her -so they are suffering through.
It is kind of like having a teenager. While Luciana is an adult, I still ask where she is going, when she will be back, who she will be with and if she is not coming home then where she will be staying. Some days/weekends she hangs out with us but she usually goes up to her room to skype with friends and family after dinner. On the weekends she goes out with her au pair friends if we are not going out. Like this weekend, we are going out Saturday night and she is babysitting. It is great to have a babysitter you trust and feel comfortable with all the time.
We looked into Culture Care but they were slightly more expensive. We also like the large selection of au pairs to select from at Au Pair Care. Au Pair Care set up calls and skying. They also helped narrow to au pairs who fit our needs, experience with multiples and infants with excellent english skills.