This is what I'm thinking of doing right now. I'm home full time, and have no problem doing a load of laundry every day. We are on a budget, so I'd like to spend about $150 on a NB stash. This is what I'm currently thinking:
24 GM workhorse size small (orange edge)
4 covers
12 GM prefolds
If I can find any of this EUC, I'm hoping I'll be able to stay within my budget...
Also, we have BGs Elementals for DS... do you think that a baby will transition from NB diapers to the Elementals, or do I need something in between? I didn't put DS in cloth until he was around a year, so I have no clue what I'm doing with newborn fluff!
Re: NB Stash- thoughts?
Personally, I'd buy all prefolds for the newborn stage. My son was born nearly 9lbs and quickly grew out of the KLO's I had. However, we were able to use the newborn orange edged prefolds for much longer using the trifold and we still use them as doublers and as pee catchers during naked time.
Oh, I should add (even though I know it doesn't really mean anything) Cooper weighed 6 lbs 10 oz when he came home a week after his EDD. He weighed 10 lbs at about 2 months adjusted... but he was 10 weeks early, so I don't know if I have big babies (assuming I go full term).
I agree with pp, i had all PFs for nb stage and then a few BG AIOs (2xsm 2sm)
4 covers should be enough, I would recommend thirstie duos covers size 1, we got a great fit with those
you will need snappis 3 should be enough.
I had 24 nb (orange edge) and 24 sm (yellow edge) which was enough if we washed every other day.
you will also need a trash can and a pail liner to store dirty ones, and at least 1 med wetbag for when you are out and about (I also made a large wet bag for travel so I didn't need to deal with a pail liner/trash can if we went anywhere).
good luck
BFP: 2/4/13 EDD: 10/11/13
Patiently waiting for Buggirl to join me!!
Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
grow rainbow grow!!!!
All Always Welcome!!
I would do 12 of the GMD orange fitteds, 12 of the GMD yellow fitteds and then maybe 12 each of the orange and yellow edge GMD prefolds. The yellow fitteds and prefolds will last you a long time!
The problem with the workhorse fitteds in orange is they don't have a soaker layer so once your milk comes in, baby will be soaking through those. I would get 12 of the GMD yellow fitteds and then do no closure so you can fold down the rise if need be and it is more absorbent too.
FWIW, my daughter who was 6.5 lbs when born was out of the oranges in 2 weeks and she was maybe 8 lbs when we started using the yellow prefolds. I didn't mind folding down the rise at all.
Definitely get some newborn covers though - I loved Bummis Super Brite - only thing that fit for the first couple weeks!