This is a RP from 6-12 months, just looking for more responses if possible.
My DS snores every night, and sometimes quite loudly. I've asked his pedi about this before, a couple of months ago, and he said it is most likely just "noisy breathing" from congestion as food refluxes back up a little. (The nurse at that time, a couple of months ago, had said to bring him in because it's "not normal" for a baby that age to be snoring.)
It kind of did sound like congestion before, but now it just sounds to me like snoring. He doesn't do it all night, but he does it a lot. I Googled snoring and baby and can't seem to find anything reassuring. I found a lot about sleep apnea, but it doesn't seem like he has that because his breathing is not irregular. What I read about it scared me though.
I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else's baby does this, and if their pedi said it's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm planning to ask the pedi again about it. He goes in for his second flu shot on Nov. 6th. I just recorded him on video snoring and I'm going to bring that with me to show the doctor. Should I go in earlier or just wait for Nov. 6th?
Re: Did/does your baby snore?
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo