
crazy 80s outfit - for a 6 yo?

dd's camp theme tomorrow is Crazy 80s.  what type of outfit would you send her in (bearing in mind I'm asking this question at 10:30 pm, camp is at 9 am)

I think of 80s as leg warmers, colorful spandex, etc. but dd doesn't have any of that stuff. 

what can i scrounge up?  dd has lots of clothes (too many) just not sure how to turn "normal" clothes into crazy 80s clothes


Re: crazy 80s outfit - for a 6 yo?

  • tight roll jeans and double socks, t-shirt tied on the side (great if it was hypercolor-like : ) Ked like shoes.

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  • Side ponytail, big bangs, more than 1 pair of socks, skirt with capri leggings underneath, big belt, tee shirt with sleeves rolled up or a polo shirt with the collar standing up


    ::I have never worn any of these of course:: Wink

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  • splatter paint an oversized t shirt (rubberband at the side), match with neon leggings, side ponytail, mismatched colored socks with either keds or hightops. lol.  
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