

Welcome back.  It has been a while since you have polluted our board with your nonsense.  No one gives a sh!t about your MUD or your pitiful pathetic excuse of a hobby.

It is one thing to insult us as  a whole (which I believe you did the last time you graced us with your presence) but it is another thing entirely to attack a beloved member of our group.

Sweater is the kindest, sweetest person on this board and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You talk about God?  He has a special place in his heart for people like you.  He forgives you for your judgements that you make against others.

Me?  I say go f.u.c.k yourself.

Attack me all you want but stay away from Sweater you a$$hole. 

Re: MR. F

  • well said kyluvsaj.  I ditto that.. Mr. F.  you are a pathetic excuse for a human being..
  • I was just reading the post by this "person" and I'm thinking to myself "wow, it's one thing to be a drama queen and make up sh*t, it's a complete different level when you are wishing death upon someones child." 

    Just stop for one second and think about how it would feel if someone told you to let your child die.  No mother in their right mind would wish that upon their or anyone elses child.  As a mother you FIGHT for your innocent baby and that's exactly what Sweater is doing.  She is fighting for what is right for her baby.  From what I've read it doesn't sound as if any doctor on Jaxon's team has ever said to Sweater and her husband that this fight is useless or that Jaxon is beyond hope ... so until YOU are a medical doctor and are on this baby's team, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself.

    Your comments are beyond cruel.  I won't sling names at you but I do wish that you get some mental help because only someone unstable would make such comments to a mother of a child who is fighting a rough battle (and a battle he WILL overcome),

    I'm not a MoM or even a mother at all but I do care for many children on a daily basis that I care and love and so I think I speak from some experience here that your comments are beyond any word I can begin to use ... I have never in my life been so outraged over someones comments to another person as I am about yours.  You have no right, none, to say such things.

    If no one has ever told you before, let me be the first, if you don't have anything nice to say, DO NOT say anything at all!

    Our Journey to Brenden

    IVF #1: 4/11(Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix) 10 retrieved/8 mature and all 8 fertilized / 2 embies transferred ... nothing to freeze Beta 5/10 = BFN

    IVF Take 2 Long Lupron July 2011

    ER 7/3/11 (our 6th anniversary) - 8 retrieved/7 mature/fert ....ET 7/6/11 - 2 beautiful grade A 8 cell embryos

    Beta 7/18/11 - 149!!! Beta 7/21/11 - 311 Beta 7/28/11 - 2,000 8/5/11 - Empty Sac 8/8/11 - There's a yolk sac and maybe a heartbeat 8/12/11 - Fetal pole, yolk sac, heartbeat 8/18/11 - Baby looks GREAT!
    3 babies waiting on ice

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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