
help me decode their new behavior

my LOs have been on a 3 nap schedule until last week when I finally thought they were transitioning to two. They did great with two for 5 days, but then starting Friday, they are still only taking two, but they are so short and they end up with no naps from 2pm - 7pm (which is unheard of for them)! The naps were anywhere from 1hr 15 to 2 hours each and now I'm lucky to get 30-45 min. Plus, they are waking up a few times a night, which they normally don't do.

I'm chalking it up to teething, because they both have some new ones coming in. In addition, we dropped a 9:30pm feeding, because it was just out of habit, not necessity.  However, they aren't eating much at their feeding just before bed either. They do eat lots of solids throughout the day and seem to be cranky if they aren't eating or near me.

So do you think they are moving to a new schedule or do you think it is teething? or something else? They didn't go through this with their first 2-3 teeth, but DD has 2-3 coming in at once right now and DS has at least one.

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Re: help me decode their new behavior

  • Teething probably has something to do with it. What hours do they sleep at night?

    Also, I recall reading that a sleep cycle lasts roughly 45 min. They may be waking up as it ends. Have you tried letting them cry for a few min? We've done this with all of our LOs and they often fall back to sleep for another 45min to 1hr. 

  • MrsLntMrsLnt member
    I'm thinking teething and separation anxiety.  And maybe a little overtired, hence the bad sleep?
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  • imageMrsLnt:
    I'm thinking teething and separation anxiety.  And maybe a little overtired, hence the bad sleep?

    Yeah, I bet it is a combination of all of these things. DD has been especially clingy lately and I think I read it's around this time that that tends to happen.

    They go down for the night at 7pm and wake between 5:30am - 6:00am. We have tried to let them CIO for naps, but most of the time, they aren't crying, they are just playing in their cribs and won't sleep.

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