Thanks so much those of you who said you have been thinking of us! Things have gotten MUCH better since coming home from vacation! We moved him from the RnP to the crib and started ferber the same night. I was all by myself thinking it was going to be a nightmare but he whimpered for 3 min I walked back in stuck the paci in his mouth and he went right to sleep! He is still waking up about 1am and sucks down 4 oz like he is starving so I do let him do that but then he wakes up about 4:45 and dh goes in sticks his paci in his mouth and he goes back down until 6-6:30ish. I probably shouldn't be doing the paci thing but because he has just been going right down without ANY issues I just don't want to mess with a good thing. I can totally deal with getting up once a night compared to every 2 hours! He is eating much better during the day and he have even weaned him off his meds and he seems to be doing ok with that as well! He has been great about going down for naps too! Right now I have BOTH boys alseep (a small miracle because Cruz doesn't nap!) Anyhow I'm feeling like a normal person these days and it makes facing the day with both kids and trying to figure out how to entertain them so much easier!
Re: sleep update
Oct 2011 3 1/2 years old.
Robert Williams Birth date 5/16/2008
TTC #2 for a million years: SA normal, CD 23 bloodwork shows nothing amiss, ovulation detected. Next step: ? maybe CD3 bloodwork to check eggs? All out of pocket, so limited IF tests/treatments.