W had his 12 mo check up yesterday. It seems his head size has gone up too much. They said the growth curve is too steep, going from 50th % at 6 mo to 100th% at 12 mo. They said that if he had always had a big head they wouldn't be concerned, or if his dad and I had big heads too. But that paired with his slight gross motor skills delay has caused them to order a ct scan to make sure there isn't fluid in his brain. The dr wouldn't get into any specifics with me on causes or treatments until they see what's going on. She didn't want to speculate.
I'm a wreck about it. I don't feel like there is anything wrong with him. I know it was a terrible idea for me to go online to look it up, but I didn't have much to go by from the Dr. He doesn't have symptoms like irratability (he's the happiest baby ever), lethargy, or droopy eyes. He just wears a toddler hat size. The scan is scheduled for tomorrow morning and they are going to try the scan without sedating him. They will strap him to a board. This has me stressing so bad that I started crying as I typed that.
I'm glad they are acting in his best interest, but part of me feels like I've had so many procedures done on the little guy already. He was breech born, so he had his hips monitored and saw an orthopedist. Because of that we had many ultrasounds at the mfm office. He also showed some kidney enlargement in utero so he's seen a urologist too. (Which he is also getting an ultrasound on his kidneys tomorrow as his 1 year follow up). He was a poor eater so we spent a lot of time at the evergreen bfing center just to end up supplementing with formula.
I don't want to say I don't think the procedure is necessary because what if something is wrong. I just feel like it's such a big deal, to only in the end say he has a big head.
Thanks for reading. I just needed to share since I haven't wanted to talk about it at all with anyone.
Re: ct scan for big head - long
Big big hugs. Remember Isaac had an U/S on his head for growing too quickly, only for us it was 50 percentile at birth to off the charts at ~7 months. It turned out to be nothing. Another of my friends had the same thing, and they found a little bit of extra fluid around the brain, but no issues.
I know it's hard, but remember everything else with W. has turned out fine, and the chances are this is no different. Hopefully all this means is that you have to buy one size up in shirts like we do to fit over the huge noggin'. And remember... Einstein's brain was 15% bigger than the average (his mother even thought he was retarded due to the big head size).
Big, big hugs.
I'm going to make an AWESOME big brother.
The only Easter Bunny I can get behind.
Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12
I had a ridiculous amount of appts. throughout my pregnancy, many tests and scans. We saw the lactation specialist many times. And honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. Not one second. I know that my baby is healthy and happy. And, if something was wrong, we would be able to be proactive about it and get her the best care possible.
You're taking care of your child and making sure that he is on track for growth and development, there is nothing to feel bad about!
Oh Mama - I'm so sorry this is so stressfull!! I will keep you in my thoughts as you get through the next bit of time until the results are back (and it turns out your LO is just super SMART and needs the brain space!
hang in there!
THIS! Hope everything turns out just fine!
This exactly!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
Hugs, this is stressful. K has had so many ultrasounds and x-rays for her hips and sometimes I get frustrated and sick of the emotional rollercoaster. Are we testing enough? Too little, too much? Ugh. I will say that every time we go in we are reminded that the radiology people are really good at what they do, are conscientous to be fast and accurate and talk both baby and parents through it all.
Trust your gut, it's probably nothing, but with something like this it is so important to know for sure. Then you can tell everyone I told you so after it's all cleared