At least that's what I'm finding on line.
DH and I went into the place that we *were* going to be taking C to. For the second time now that I've gone in the numbers have been off.
The first time it was in the older kids room. About 12-15 kids to the one teacher.
Yesterday it was 6:1 with no floater. Only two teachers in the school. One of them wasn't even in the room with the older kids. She was down the hall as I watched some kiddo crawl on a table.
Needless to say we went to look at a new place.
I think we found one. I feel better already about leaving C there. She and I walked back in today and they remembered her by name. This was also the only place that interacted with C at all during my visits. The director even asked to hold her.
Re: It's 4:1 infant:DC provider ratio correct?
It depends on the age but yes, for under 1 year, 4:1 is the ratio.
I found this chart online:
I found one daycare that was 3:1 but it was too far away from us
That's the one I pulled up yesterday as well. I'll give ya a freebie but when it happens twice on the two times I go back in there something is wrong.