Cloth Diapering

Need advice

When my DD went into her cast 3 months ago at 4 months old, we were using CDs, mostly OS dipes with MF inserts.... Occasionally hemp. We also used some AIOs and some fitteds/covers. fast forward to now, she's 7 months old and I feel like I'm lost. I have a huge stash of OS pockets for her at this weight, so that's what we'll be using exclusively (can't afford new diapers right now). How do I know how to stuff them? Is it just trial and error? I didn't have to stuff them extra before, just the inserts they came with. And if I do have to stuff them Extra, is it okay to lower the rise so they fit better?

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed... But I can't wait to get her back into cloth.
Dx: MFI, DOR, 9 Fibroids and homozygous MTHFR

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Re: Need advice

  • I would overstuff just to be safe and then if you notice the inserts aren't very saturated you can always put less in next time.  That's what I do when I try a new brand.  My OS pockets came with a newborn and a larger insert.  I'm not sure what you have available to you, but you could try doubling up on the first day... just to be safe?  I'm sure once you dive back in all will be great!  
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • My LO is fine in just the microfiber insert during the day.  They are actually very absorbent.  If I need to add more absorbency I add a hemp insert. If you're going out and unsure how much she needs, add a thin hemp and experiment.  The worst that will happen is that it will leak a bit. 
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  • At 7 months I was using a cotton insert and hemp insert as my girls had a real tendency to hold it and then release the flood. So I needed both the fast absorbancy and the capacity of the hemp.

    I'd rather have a big butt and know they aren't going to pee out than go for trim and have a mess.

    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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