Ok, spill it! How's your day/ week going? Good or bad. Let's toast to our trials and triumphs!
I have been so busy lately, I haven't had much time to be on here.
Ugg, I just got chewed out by a colleague, over the phone, all while LO was crying and refusing to get out of the car because she wanted to go to my mom's. My mom lives 300+ miles away! DH is feeling sick today and he called to tell me he was coming home from work. Sick husband, need I say more? To top it off I was up all night working on a paper and I am exhausted.
Re: Is it too early for a drink?
I'm such a Debbie Downer right now. I seriously have been throwing myself the pity party of the year this week....and it is only Tuesday.
My knee is driving me nuts...I seriously hate crutches. Thursday needs to hurry up and get here so I can see the Ortho and he can schedule my mri. This pain and lack of physical activity is making me tired and depressed.
I just saw a fb picture a friend posted from last weekend and I look fat and gross. =(
My family and my DH's family are making me so sad right now. I'm realizing that I'm really on my own in so many ways. It hurts, a lot.
Today just sucks.
ETA: Almost forget...Here's your cocktail...
I honestly wondered how my coffee would taste with some Disorono in it this morning. My baby is sick, ear infection, conjuntivitis and the flu. So I decided to stay home yesterday from work so that I could take him to the Dr. DH is a SAHD so apparently he took me being home as him having a day off. Not only did I take LO to the Dr, then I mowed the front AND back yards, made dinner and cleaned up the house a bit. Oh add in the trip to the pharmacy to get the meds for LO. All the while HE sat.....oh and now he says he is not feeling well. (Blow your nose and get over it) I know my kids need me (and I need them)..but I went to work today for the only reason being that he would have to get up and care for them..somewhat.
We recently found out that his disability pay will run out in September and even though he needs another surgery he will not be allowed to continue with the disability benefits.... Social Security does not pay enough for us to still make mortgage and car pymnts etc. Neither does unemployment since it has been almost a year since he has worked so his weekly pay is gonna be squat. So needless to say he has decided to not get his legs fixed and just go back to work. He is having the hardest time finding work. He even got his commercial drivers license to open opportuinites.
I am freaking out to say the least. I am so sick of financial troubles, no work for DH, missing everything my kids do during the day. I feel like a bad mommy and an even worse wife cause I am just so irritated that I think I take it out on DH. This is not the life I thought I would have...and I really feel so overwhelmed that I do not know where to start to put things back on track. I feel like I have isolated myself so as not to bring anyone else under my little black rain cloud.
Oh and I am sure I have more the b*tch about but will spare you......
Its never too early.
I am a stress case (some good, some bad) right now. I just hope things will work out in the end.