Washington Babies

Childcare suggestions please

Hi Ladies!  I'm trying to find part time childcare in the North Kirkland, Juanita, Finn Hill area.  Of course none of the big daycares take part time babies.  Anyone know of a great in-home place in the area that might be flexible?  Or any other suggestions?  I go back to work at the end of August.  TIA!!
DD #1 Eva- April 2011
DD #2 Violet- October 2013
DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

Re: Childcare suggestions please

  • Ooooh I know there are a bunch!  I wish I knew the names, but I know there are a ton of small centers and in-home places in that area.  Have you called Childcare Resources?  They can give you a list.  Good luck!
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  • This may be what m&m linked - I used https://www.childcare.org/ with great success. I called and talked to someone instead of creating an online account and paying for it.
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  • We go to Lil People's World in Lynnwood and have had a great experience with them thus far. I know there is one in Kirkland as well, and they do part time care.
    Hannah born 4/5/11
    TTC #2 since 1/14
    Miscarriage d/t blighted ovum 8/14
  • Many of my friends have used www.care.com with great success.  I think there is a fee for using it, but have heard that it is fairly minimal and worth it.  Good luck!
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