
Moving from Neosure to?

When you switched from Neosure which formula did you go to that you found was easy to transition to? I'm hoping at our upcoming 9 month appointment we'll be given the green light to switch!
Eli and Charlie born at 33w6d image

Re: Moving from Neosure to?

  • Target Brand - Up and Up.

    It was a DELIGHT.  Just the regular blue can.  I didn't even ask for a green light.. I was supplementing with NeoSure.  When I started dropping BF sessions at 6 months (with the goal of weaning completely at 9 months), I moved right to Target.  They've had no issues.

    The savings was...incredible.

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  • We switched to Similac Advance....soon we will be switching again to Sams Club brand!


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
    Baby #3 due January 2016
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  • We got the go ahead when the girls were 9 months. Switched them to Sam's Club and it was amazing saving all that money! They did fine on it and had no problems.
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  • We initially switched to Similac Advance and then moved both babies to Target's Up & Up formula based on Similac Advance.  If I had it to do over again I would have moved them both to the Target brand when we got the green light to take DD off Neosure.
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