I wanted to let you guys know that the person who posted under the AE contacted me and apologized. It was, apparently, supposed to be a funny joke that was obviously not. I have accepted this persons seemingly genuine apology and have decided NOT to disclose who it is, so don't ask. All that would do is cause more stupid a$$ door drama and I'm done with it. Just so you all know, this person is harmless and basically nothing to worry about.
Thank you everyone! You may go back to your regular scheduled bumping now.
In other news, I got a handmade, fancy invitations to my friends DOGS 2nd birthday party. It's questionably nicer than my wedding invite. Seriously.
Also, this will be my new-not-so-new-name.
Re: F/U: PSA & Door Post...
Bio & Blog | The Chic Bambino | Bumps & Babies Fair
Thanks for the update J! Glad it was a joke gone bad and nothing more serious.
And seriously, I can barely plan what to wear each day let alone my dog's b-day.
I mean, it's a second birthday!
Glad all is resolved and this has been a lesson to me in limiting what info I share. It's not just the 30? 40? regulars reading this site.
I'm glad they apologized, and I really hope it was nothing more than a bad joke.
I love the dog birthday invite! One of my friends decided not to have kids, but she was always really supportive of the rest of us who did. So, when she got a new puppy, another friend threw her a surprise puppy shower:). It was a really fun way to celebrate her and return the favor.
Thanks for the update J.
Did the dog register? Maybe for a MS bed or bowl?
Glad the person apologized, though their sense of humor is a bit twisted.
Not sure what to say about the dog party.
Oh cool, that's good news!
J - Please, please go to the doggie birthday party and then report back!
Baby website / My blog
Glad it was just a joke even though it was poorly executed.
Inquiring minds want to know what you are going to get the Dog for it's birthday?!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
Glad that's been resolved!
Let me know if you need a personal shopper for the dog's party.
Glad to hear it's worked out and it wasn't some crazy loon....
I think you need to post a pic of the invite. I'm curious!
I would, but I'm working the entire day. What the etiquette on this? Do I have to send a gift? Goodness gracious....
The best part...it's one of my bffs. I think she has lost her mind.
Haha! I don't even know what to say! Good luck figuring that one out!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.