
Twins? Maybe?

I have a question for you ladies. Okay so I have three kids and one on the way. I just found out with a home pregnancy test 4 days ago. According to my last period, I am only four weeks along. The thing is, I have been feeling symptoms for the past 2 1/2- 3 weeks. I knew I was pregnant before a pregnancy test could tell me I was. I actually took the first HPT 2 weeks ago. Also not only am I feeling the symptoms earlier this time but they are more severe that with my other pregnancies. So here is my question, could this be a sign of twins? I have yet to go to the doc but I figured the best people to ask would be those with the experience. Thanks for the input ladies.

Re: Twins? Maybe?

  • Well, it could mean that...but probably more often than not when this happens its just one baby.  I didn't have sickness at all till 8 weeks and even then it wasn't that bad....Good luck!


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
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  • The only way to know for sure if it's twins is with an ultrasound.  Many MoMs didn't notice a difference in symptoms from their singleton pg, and some have even said that they had less symptoms with their multiple pg.  Congrats, wishing you a happy and healthy pg.
    bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
    BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
    Discovered TWINS during the 6w u/s - what a shocker!
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  • Every pregnancy is different. You could be pregnant with twins, but your symptoms do not necessarily mean that. I started feeling symptoms early on and, like you, knew I was pregnant before the HPT confirmed it. My doctor also told me that the nausea is often times worse with a multiple pregnancy because of the higher hormone levels. But there really is no way to know for sure until you have an ultrasound.
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  • As you know every pregnancy is different.  I wouldn't think more profound, earlier symptoms would indicate a twin pregnancy.

    I wasn't sick with either one of my pregnancies.


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  • imageougrad1:

    As you know every pregnancy is different.  I wouldn't think more profound, earlier symptoms would indicate a twin pregnancy.

    I wasn't sick with either one of my pregnancies.

     I was sick with my girls but had friends with singletons that were way sicker. Ultrasound is the only way to tell .

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  • I didn't have any symptoms with my twins. Like PP's mentioned, u/s is the way to tell. Good luck with your pg.
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  • Thanks ladies for all the support. I know the only definitive way to tell is with an u/s. I had just been reading some articles and heard that with multiples you can have more severe symptoms earlier on because of the hormone levels. Just thought I'd ask if this had been the case for anyone who actually had multiples. Thanks for again for all the good luck wishes and advice.
  • this is my first pregnancy so I can't compare to any others but I didn't get sick at all I just noticed my breasts were very swollen and sore more than normal then got a BFP. Do you have an OB appt set up yet? they saw me when i was 7wk 4d and the u/s showed twins then. GL!!!
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  • No OB appointment yet. I just found an OBGYN that I want to go to and plan on making an appointment wihin the next couple of weeks. I just happened to be cruising some sites and saw that it was mentioned several times that it can possibly be a sign of multiples if you have earlier, more prevelant symptoms. Like I said I have thre other kids and have always felt the exact same with all three. I did not have any symptoms until I was at least 7 or 8 weeks along and I had nausea but nothing like I do now! I was just curious. I know every pregnancy can be different. Just thought I would ask to see if there was any truth to what Id been reading. Thanks ladies. Good luck to all.
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