If Bmom was in town (and you are close) how many times would you try to see her in a week? DD is 2 if it makes a difference. I am getting some flack from those who don't get it and wonder if we are spending too much time together??
Stay at Home Mama to
3 Beautiful Children
by the miracles of Birth & Adoption
Re: visits with Bmom
I think that's a very personal decision. I'm sorry people are giving you flack for it. It's whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever is right for your daughter.
My opinion -- if dd's birthmom lived far away and was her for a week, I would try to see her as much as possible. Maybe one day at a park, one day at a pool, etc. But I would try to 'take advantage' of the time, kwim? But that's just our personal situation.
Yeah, every family is different. For us, we live about 4 hours from our BM so we dont's see her often but I email her at least once a month and we talk back and forth. I send pictures and letters too.
But, we get along so well with them that if she did live closer I think we would be close friends and hang out. I feel like we just have that kind of relationship and are a lot a like in many ways. My DH would welcome it. I think our families might be a bit weary, until they actually got to know her well.