
visits with Bmom

If Bmom was in town (and you are close) how many times would you try to see her in a week? DD is 2 if it makes a difference. I am getting some flack from those who don't get it and wonder if we are spending too much time together?? Confused
Stay at Home Mama to 3 Beautiful Children by the miracles of Birth & Adoption

Re: visits with Bmom

  • Every situation is different. I wouldn't dictate how often, it's what you both are comfortable with. Some people want fewer visits, some are comfortable with more. IMO no one should be giving you flack if they don't know your arrangement.
  • I think that's a very personal decision.  I'm sorry  people are giving you flack for it.  It's whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever is right for your daughter. 

    My opinion -- if dd's birthmom lived far away and was her for a week, I would try to see her as much as possible.  Maybe one day at a park, one day at a pool, etc.  But I would try to 'take advantage' of the time, kwim?  But that's just our personal situation. 


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  • Yeah, every family is different. For us, we live about 4 hours from our BM so we dont's see her often but I email her at least once a month and we talk back and forth. I send pictures and letters too.

    But, we get along so well with them that if she did live closer I think we would be close friends and hang out. I feel like we just have that kind of relationship and are a lot a like in many ways. My DH would welcome it. I think our families might be a bit weary, until they actually got to know her well.

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  • I agree with the others, every situation is different. With that said, DD's BM lives very close to us and we see her about once a month ornso. We are close to her and her whole family. We go to a lot of their family functions and we are friends with them on facebook. You need to do what is comfortable for you all.
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