Upstate NY Babies

Good night/Bad night

The good news is that "3 day potty training" seems to have worked! (thanks jenjar!) Justin only had 1 tiny sprinkle accident all day. Tonight we took him to a little carnival as his first outing in undies and he did GREAT! We were there about 3 hours and he peed 3x on the potty- bathrooms were inside a building thank God!

The bad news is I've had a stomach bug the last 2 days so I have had 0 appetite. Which normally I would love but with EP'ing for 2 growing babies it was a nightmare. I was trying to drink tons of water and eat what I could but my supply was total crap today. I was even pumping every 1.5 hours this afternoon and still couldn't make enough. They got their 1st bottles of formula tonight :( I'm not anti formula, it's just that my goal was to EP for 6months without opening the cases of formula samples we've gotten so I feel like I failed my goal. Oh and formula smell terrible. Good lord.

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Re: Good night/Bad night

  • Go Justin! Thank goodness for regular bathrooms, I don't know if I could deal with portapotties!
    . Don't beat yourself up about the formula, you can't help that you're sick and trying to feed 2 babies, you're doing a great job.
  • go Justin! I definitely have to read up on this "3 day potty training" once I'm ready... it's seems to have good results. I'm thinking we'll potty train in the spring.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Don't beat yourself up on the formula. Hopefully once you feel better your supply will bounce right back, and you won't need anymore formula.

    And maybe the stomach bug will help w/ the weight loss ;) kidding... but it made me think of that line from The Devil Wears Prada- "I'm only one stomach flu away from my goal weight" haha! 

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  • Yay Justin! That's great :)

    Sorry you aren't feeling well. Your supply should bounce back once you are feeling better *hugs* 

    Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
  • Sorry you're so sick. :( That really stinks.. but i am sure your supply will bounce right back.. And honestly, even going THIS long with out even supplementing is pretty amazing for twins. i don't think many twin moms do that!
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
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  • imageMelissaSue81:
    Sorry you're so sick. :( That really stinks.. but i am sure your supply will bounce right back.. And honestly, even going THIS long with out even supplementing is pretty amazing for twins. i don't think many twin moms do that!

    I agree! I've had to supplement since they were 2 days that my supply is a little better we only have to give them 1-2 formula feeds per day but still, I can't believe you've gone this long!

    I hope you feel better soon! 

    photo 41f1f21b-fd5b-40ab-bc31-76a13e270270_zpscf391ac9.jpg
    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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  • That is awesome about Justin!

    As far as the twins, I think that you have done an amazing job!!  I think that BF/EP is hard, but I cannot even imagine with twins....and a toddler :)...just the toddler is juggling enough with one little baby.   

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