We are about to get a new washer and I am looking at the front loaders. My question is, do they get cloth diapers as clean as the top loading washers? I've read in a few places that they don't because they use less water??
I am very committed to doing cloth diapering (already have my stash ready to go!) so would I be better off just getting a new top loader? What about the energy star rated top loaders?
Re: Front Loading Washer Question
I have a front loader and the majority of my laundry and most other people's laundry is regular clothes. This is just my opinion BUT.. I don't understand why anyone would opt for a less energy efficient washer for "a couple of loads of cloth diaper laundry a week". ( I put that in quotes b/c most people on here will say that is all the extra laundry they are doing).
Right now with our limited cloth wipes/diapers I wash more than I will need to when I get my full stash and more cloth wipes. (I am using a prefold service for the first month with a mixture of some newborn diapers I have and my own cloth wipes which means I wash every other day so that we have enough wipes to get us to the next diaper change)
Anyway, once we get all our diapers in, the majority of our laundry will be our clothes, the baby's cloths, towels, etc. AND on the front loaders you can use your water plus function or change the spin level so that the diapers absorb more water, get heavier and therefore in the secondary wash they get more water b/c it tricks the washer into thinking there are more clothes in the washer than there is.