Hi LA Mom's!
This is a question for mom's with a nanny. I was wondering how much for pay them and what their job entails? Thanks!
Me: PCOS DH: No issues
August '16-January '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI/TI = BFN
February/March '17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = BFN
April '17: Menopur + HCG + TI (due to too many mature follicles) = BFN
May '17: Took off due to cysts
June' 17: Menopur + HCG + IUI = Cancelled due to 8+ mature follicles
November '17: Clomid + HCG + IUI= BFN
December '17: Menopur + HCG + TI= BFP!!!! Due August 2018
Re: Nanny pay
Hey Funnygirl34,
It all depends on what you want of a nanny. If you want your nanny to be educated, emotionally and socially engaging, a part of the family - you're going to pay more, as opposed to someone who is going to sit on their phone/watching tv while monitoring your child.
If you want food prep, laundry, cleaning done (within reason, usually pertaining to the children) you need to consider that either it is taking time away from your children OR you're going to pay more if its required during naps etc. As Mom's we need a break during the day, consider your nanny will too, especially as they are sacrificing their time to help raise your children.
If you expect pick up/drop off, as well as errands, outings, etc (with the nanny's vehicle) be prepared to pay mileage.
I know not ALL parents can afford the money that some nannies charge, but from my experience, you really do get what you pay for. Nannies, especially those who have a lot of experience under their belt know what they are worth - and some are willing to accept less, but in turn (I know from experience with this) can (and often will) give the care that they deem worth the hourly rate you're willing to pay.
We have a 9 month old, and I have a nanny 2 days a week. She actually lives right down the road, but don't require her to drive or do errands or anything. She is strictly here to watch our child when he is awake. Sometimes she'll help with a load of dishes or picking up toys etc, but it isn't a requirement. Since she isn't driving or traveling, and we don't require a lot from her outside of watching our child we pay her $12/hour cash.
Hope this helps.