
Wont sleep like he did at the NICU

We survived the first night home with Peter.  He is eating great which was my biggest concern.  But now he won't stay asleep when we try putting him down in his Pack'n Play.  In the NICU we could just set him right down and he would be completely out.  Now the second he leaves our arms he starts fussing and grunting (and it's not just when he's pooping.)  He nearly did a 180 scooting around in a circle when I put him down last night.  He was well fed and burped just like at the NICU.

Did any of your babies refuse to sleep anywhere other than your arms when you brought them home from the hospital?

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Re: Wont sleep like he did at the NICU

  • This might sound funny, but is it too quiet? My babies got so used to the noise at the NICU that they had to have either a white noise machine on or the radio. Try that :)
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  • imageLilystar82:
    This might sound funny, but is it too quiet? My babies got so used to the noise at the NICU that they had to have either a white noise machine on or the radio. Try that :)

     I second this. DS had to sleep with the TV on in our bedroom. Even now in his crib, he has his sleep sheep. It helps a bunch.

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  • kck329kck329 member

    Ditto on the white noise. 

    Also, did they have blankets or other boundaries around him at the NICU? We did and I think that was a huge part of DD's adjustment to sleeping at home. She doesn't feel secure in the open crib with nothing around her and of course we can't put stuff around her because of SIDS. We found it helps to make sure she is in a really tight swaddle and that her feet are touching the bottom of the bed. This seems to give her more security and help her relax a bit. 

    Good luck! I hope you find something that works-I'm still sleeping sitting up with DD many nights but a lot of that is her reflux too not just sleep issues. 

  • Cara03Cara03 member
    LO would only sleep in our arms for about 2 months after coming home. We tried everything from swaddling, to noise, sleeping in the swing, car seat, etc, and nothing worked. We ended up asking family to come and help take shifts holding him because we were so exhausted. However, when he finally did start sleeping on his own, he became a GREAT sleeper and has been sense. Good luck. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I wish I had sooner!
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  • Yep. DD was a great sleeper in the NICU. At home, she's great sleeper as long as she is in constant skin contact with someone.

    I'd like to tell you it gets better....but it doesn't. D has been home for 2 weeks now, and we've taken to bed sharing. It's the only way she (and we) get sleep.

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  • Ds would only sleep on us the first few weeks we were home, so we took shifts. Eventually we got a Rock n' Play and he'd sleep well in that at night, though still on us in the day, until about 4 months when we switched to the crib for all sleep.
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  • My LO only wanted to sleep in her swing when she came home from the NICU.  It helped to have her right next to my bed at night with the swing going.  I think the white noise helped as well.  Good luck!
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  • I second the white noise and keeping lights on/tv on. Also is the temperature warm enough? Is he wearing the same clothes? Swaddled in the same blankets? Maybe he was also used to NICU smells and doesn't like the smell of his new bed?

    We kept a TV on infomercials for voices, kept a lamp on right next to them (to mimic the overhead light that NICU dimmed but never turned off, used same swaddle blankets and had them sleep in their pack n play (mimiced size and shape of bassinette at hospital).

    Mine were great sleepers when they came home (still are) so I'd keep trying anything that changed.

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  • White noise and a rock n play were the only way my LO slept for four months. My friend had a 25 weeker and got the rnp too!
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