Hi gals!
who here has used a doula & would you recommend her? If so - please send her info! I'm researching doulas. I have 2 friends who rave about their doula, but she's $1,000 & my husbands eyes got HUGE at the sticker shock. I'm trying to find someone who is experienced, but a little more affordable.
Also, I know that a lot of doulas who are trying to get their certifications will volunteer their services, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever used a "new" doula? I feel like "experience" is the entire reason to hire a doula, and if I used someone new they might just be in the way? Just curious if anyone had that experience & has feedback?
Re: Doula rec's?
Our doula was fairly "new" when we hired her, but I knew from the time we met her that she would be fantastic. Realize that your doula is not the person birthing your child (like a midwife or OB/GYN) - they are there to encourage and coach you and your husband through the process. Some people just naturally have that gift, which isn't necessarily determined by how many births they have attended. Since our doula was newer, she was definitely more affordable, but I highly caution you on picking yours based on price alone. You need to find someone you feel totally comfortable with and connect with, and who shares a similar philosophy about birth as you do. There is no doubt in my mind that having a doula is worth the $$! She did just as much (if not more) for us than the midwife did while E was arriving into the world. Our doula was Reese McGillie. We (obviously) loved her!
A thread from a few days ago had some rec's. I ended up having to have a scheduled C, but our doula Kate was worth every penny between her prebaby prep, during/postsurgery and postpartum care (and BFing help- she saved me from having to stop EBFing, no joke.) And she was much more affordable, about half that cost. Good luck!
I had a wonderful doula for #2's birth, sharon muza. She was fantastic!!! So supportive through the whole pregnancy. I think there's a link to my pregnancy blog where I talk about her. I still am in touch with her 3 years later!
As a "new" doula myself, I felt compelled to comment:) I think you will find that a new or old doula can do the trick just based on their personality. Interview a few doulas so you can find a good fit. If you truly connect with someone then they can provide you so much support while you're laboring whether she's done it a million times or just a few (most doulas I've met seem to totally be in it to help people so they will do whatever they can to be out of the way when they need to be and right there for you when you want them). That being said, if you don't feel like it's going to be a good fit, definitely be honest and switch to someone who is better for you. You don't want to get all the way to d-day to find out it's not going to work. Most doulas will understand and recognize whether there is a connection or not.
doulamatch.net is a good place to find doulas!