...remind me of the 'rules' and things to watch for. Max fell head first off his brother's bed onto the hardwood floor. He screamed of course, and I had him lay quietly with me while I held an ice pak on the spot that he hit. I also kept asking him questions like "what's your name, what's my name" - lol - but he could answer them.
After like 10 mins he was ok, back to normal and not complaining of pain. I gave him some ibuprofen and now he has a bump on the upper right side where he fell.
Anything else I have to do? I always check on him before bed anyway so I will again around 10pm, but what else?
How f'ing scary. And loud.
Re: If your kid has whacked the daylights out of his/her head...
Ditto Previous posters.. I know I'm coming in late to this, but DS just cracked his head off of our hardwood floor last week, ours ended up in an ER visit though because he cousn't stop vomitting (sign of concussion) Everything checked out fine though. the dr. also told us that he should do any vigerous activity until he stops saying his head hurts or stops saying yes when we ask him. It took about a week for that, dr. also said to try to keep him from hitting his head for a while, because if they hit the same spot constantly and in close "dates" of each other, could cause problems.
Hope your little guy is doing better.