I know Silas is a pretty popular name but I still associate it with the Monk from DaVinci code. I love Levi.
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TTC #1 since October 2010 | Began Testing in January 2012
DH SA - low motility with 0% morph; varicocele (repaired); low T (on Clomid)
IVF w/ICSI (long Lupron w/ Repronex and Follistim) in September 2012
I like them both, but together they sound a bit Amish. Both have that old-fashion-y feel to them and using them in conjunction with one another emphasizes that in not a great way, IMO. I'd go with a more neutral middle name.
I do not like either name personally. Silas is one of my least favorite names out there, but that is because of a bad association. Because of that though all I can picture is the most socially awkward little man with huge bug glasses. Levi is FAR to trendy for my taste, I think of the jeans and then a celebrity baby.
Re: XP: Boy's name
TTC #1 since October 2010 | Began Testing in January 2012
DH SA - low motility with 0% morph; varicocele (repaired); low T (on Clomid)
IVF w/ICSI (long Lupron w/ Repronex and Follistim) in September 2012