My husband and I are pretty set on using Sam for our son's name; it's the middle name we're having a harder time with. He really wants to use Samuel Jackson, which drew a gigantic "Are you kidding me?" from me. I love the name Jackson and would love to use it as a middle name, but the Samuel L. Jackson connection is just too strong. I mean I know he's a badass and all, but not for my kid.
So MH suggested dropping the Samuel and just using Sam Jackson. It still doesn't work for me, but what do you think? Am I being crazy with the Samuel L. connection? Other MN ideas are Reed (a play on my maiden name) and John (H's idea, I don't like it). We'd love to get your opinions on the name and any MN suggestions for Sam/Samuel.
Re: Sam/Samuel
~*Lots of love to my BFPB's: mel66, MercierGirl, DBoo0510, & NewbieLisette*~
I agree 100%