Upstate NY Babies

First dentist appointment

Gavin was NOT cooperative.  It was such a cute place...he was excited to lay on the table and watch Garfield on the ceiling, but when the hygienist tried cleaning, he wouldn't open up.  They don't force anything there, so she tried a few times and then just called over the dentist.  Gavin cried while he pried his mouth open so he could quickly count and check for cavities.  It only took a minute.  The dentist said his teeth are overlapping and more crowded than typical so we should start saving now for braces.  I kinda figured that...but didn't expect to hear it at 3!  We left and Gavin said, "I had so much fun at the dentist!"  :-/

Re: First dentist appointment

  • wendyjwendyj member
    It is so mind-boggling sometimes what comes out of their little mouths compared to their actions. Hopefully the next time won't be so bad. That's a bummer that you already have to anticipate braces down the road.
  • I swear- they put braces on 99% of kids these days anyways. Like hardly any of my friends had braces- my brother is 10 yrs younger than me and ALL of his friends have/had them.
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